Thursday, April 19, 2012

My special surprise to my parents!!!

Aloha Delhi!!! Yes, I landed in Delhi so suddenly that even I haven't yet absorbed the reality after two nights here. So, how did that come about? My professor is out of country and my colleague is off to a conference for about a week and I had been dying to visit my parents since two months. So, all the circumstances culminated in my booking a ticket to Delhi immediately for the next day!!! I thoguht it would be a nice surprise to see the shocked faces of mom and dad when I'll be at the door :D

I have been staying for 9 years away and the time has increased my longing and respect for the place called 'home'. I always prepare a list of my most-wanted dishes to be prepared (my needs keep on changing) whenever I am to go home. Dad starts making plans for our outings and weekend trips, if any. We are a family of 3 and we have always been travel-loving. Earlier, we used to have a yearly road trip for a family vacation. Since the years I have been away, they have reduced a bit but we always make time for it.

So, while on the flight, I couldn't stop smiling anticipating the reaction of mom and dad. They have recently shifted to Delhi so I didn't even know the way to home. I have an decent idea of Delhi and had the address on hand so was quite confident that I would reach home without any mishaps. So, as soon as I landed in Delhi, I took a metro to New Delhi and then, further to Saket. Finally, an auto did get me to the locality. But, you wouldn't believe it, when I reached home, it wasn't mine :D And, I realised that I had got the house number wrong!!! 

I immediately gave a call to mom on her mobile. No answer. On Landline. No answer. Again!! No answer. I called up Dad. No answer. Again, I tried home. No answer. Again!! And, finally, mom lifted. And, on the pretext of asking the address for a courier issue, I got the correct house number. Thankfully, I was in the right area so I didn't really have to walk a lot. Did a bit of asking and there I was home, sweet home :) It's really weird how one can sense if a place is home or not.

And, there was mom. Mom is not the hugging types, you know!! But, of course, I could see the surprise and the happiness she was trying to keep away from showing :D And, then, I had upma and poha prepared by mom. The flight had nothing more than a sandwich to offer :( I was starving!! Aaahhh, it was heaven to eat home food after so long. And, now half of the surprise was still pending. My dad wasn't yet aware, right? And, I asked mom not to tell him. 

So, my dad comes up @ 6:30 something and he was really tired and sleepy. So, when I did booooo (you know hiding behind the door and scaring a person), he was really startled and went into a shock :D He couldn't digest the fact that I was really there for quite long!!! And, I couldn't stop laughing. So, that was my surprise which was long-pending. I had dreamt of this for years together but things never worked out. But, I finally did it!!

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