Sunday, September 30, 2012

Nivea Whitening, Cell Repair & UV Protect Body Lotion {Product Review}

Price: Rs 225 for 950ml

gets absorbed really quickly into the skin
keeps skin hydrated and moisturized for a long time 
very thin in consistency and you don't require much
has UVA protection

doesn't have UVB protection
I am not sure about the whitening claims
can't be applied at night coz of UV filters in the product

My Experience
To start with, the consistency of the product is really thin so it gets absorbed very easily but do not underestimate its moisturizing or rather the hydrating properties of the product. It keeps the skin in a great supple condition for almost 6-8 hours and that's the max I have used this product because I remove it in the evening.

I had read somewhere (in someone's review, don't remember which!!) that it helps curb tanning but I don't think I really saw anything like that. The product boasts of 40X Vitamin C but I really didn't see it do anything extraordinary. I think the reason may also lie in the fact that I used it only while going out and not at night or otherwise.

I think it would have been better if the product did not have UV filters so that it can be used at anytime and probably might show some effect on tanning.I totally don't like the whitening claims and regarding UV claims, I always prefer to use sunscreen. I tend to stay away from products which say they moisturize as well as protect. So, I used to layer this upon the sunscreen.

Overall, I am not really sure about the product so I guess they should launch the same in a variation which doesn't have sunscreen. Have you used the product? How did you like it?

PS: Product sent by brand.

Other products I love or hate from Nivea:

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Oh My God!!!

Ganesh at Perfect Skin Care for you
So, how was the Ganesh visarjan?? Oh, did I share my cute little eco-friendly Ganesh ji with you? Check him out :D Ganesh Visarjan has a very special place in my life and I totally love this day. In fact, in Hyderabad, it always rains without fail on the final day of immersion. Even today, it rained a bit and the weather was just awesome!!

And, yes, I am extra happy today. As I said, this is a special day for me and somehow all things just fell in good places today so my day was absolutely gorgeous. Oh btw, I did a bit of shopping - a book "The Legend of Amrapali" (haha, no cosmetics)!! I bought the book from Crossword and then I went to Gloria jeans and ordered a Cafe Mocha and curled up into one of the sofas and I was lost from this universe. Yup, I totally love reading and once I pick up a book, I generally lose all my contact with the present world.

Btw, did any one of you check out the Cadbury Gems Ganeshji in Hypercity, Hyderabad? I was missing my camera so badly then but as they say, "Eyes are the best camera". And, yup, reverting back to the title of the post - did you check out the movie? One of my friends went for it and she said its way better than the one I watched or wasted time on last week. Wish I had opted for this instead of that!!! Its a comic movie and really paisa vasool type.

So, what you doing this weekend? And, what did you do today?

Update: Heard another good review of the movie!!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Heart and Cardiovascular Diseases in Women? {Women Stuff}

Today is World's Heart Day. So, I am borrowing this article from The Hindu Magazine, September 23, 2012. They had published a small article on how to take care of the heart. I shall try not to infringe on the copyright and am again asserting that this post may end up being a copy of the article. So, the entire credit for the post goes to the Hindu newspaper.

Symptoms of CVD in women

feeling of discomfort between breasts or behind breastbone
pain radiating over arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach
shortness of breath, weakness or fatigue
unusual anxiety or nervousness
indigestion or nausea 
sudden sweating, dizziness and collapse

Cardiovascular diseases are getting more prominent in women. Its no longer a man's disease!!!Its especially dangerous if you smoke, drink or lead a sedentary life or have high blood pressure or sugar or cholesterol levels or are under huge amount of stress due to personal and professional problems.

In fact, even children are at risk from the condition called Cogenital Heart Defect. The improper development of heart during the pregnancy can result in this. Mothers who do not take care of themselves or their diet during pregnancy have a high risk of having children with this defect. Also, if you are a diabetic, your child is prone to heart-related problems.

How to Prevent?
Be physically active!!! Walk or exercise daily.
Avoid salt, sugar and fatty foods. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. 
Maintain a healthy weight.  
Quit smoking and avoid respiratory irritants. 
Limit or stop alcohol. 
If you have lung problem, get influenza vaccination annually. 

The reason for these heart diseases are mainly the fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries. Interestingly, these deposits may occur on both the inner walls as well as the outer walls. And, in fact, there is absolutely no cure to remove the deposits on the Outer walls of the arteries so that makes weight management and diet a very important consideration in life.

If the arteries are blocked even partially due to these deposits, the blood flow is not smooth to the heart and heart may fall short of adequate oxygen and other nutrients needed to function properly. When this blockage gets severe, it can result in heart attack. Women of 50-52 are at more risk and especially if there has been a family history of coronary diseases.

So, how do you take care of your heart?

Related Posts:
Why should you take proper sleep?
Reducing Belly Fat
Daily Body Massage to cleanse your body
Sexy @ Sixty

Thursday, September 27, 2012

What happens when you do not use Sunscreen? {Sunscreen}

This post is specially for people who have not yet adapted this routine thinking it to be just a frivolous stuff. Well, may be it was and that was the doubt which made me do this little experiment. I forgo-ed sunscreen for almost two weeks and now I am putting up these findings.

I have been using sunscreen more or less regularly since a year. And, I apply sunscreen only once in a day. But, I do apply a good amount of it for proper protection. And, yes, I do go out in the peak time of 10 AM - 4 PM as well. So, lets get on the with my findings.

My arms are back to whatever state they were tanned prior to my use of sunscreen. Interestingly, I observed the tanning only after a couple of days without sunscreen. The first day I didn't apply sunscreen, my skin was looking more or less the same. 

Talking about the face and neck, yes, they are also tanned. Not as much as my arms coz I did use sunscreen on and off. And, I am using a lightening oil as well at night to combat this tanning but still I know that my complexion has grown darker. 

So, now that I know that sunscreen is extremely important to preserve my skin complexion, I would try not to skip it. And, this is my first advise to everyone who love their skin. Oh! Btw, please remember that the benefits of using sunscreen are apparent only if you use the proper amount and after around a month of use. That's when you will see changed in your skin, be it color or texture. 

So, what do you think? Do you find yourself getting tanned whenever you skip sunscreen? 

Related Posts:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Do you stop in middle of your exercises? {Your Opinion}

This question is prompted by two facts. One of my friends with whom I regularly go for a walk always gets tired by the end of fourth round and prefers to sit down before continuing. We walk on a walking track of around 750 metres on which we prefer to take four rounds every night. Also, I have another friend whom I used to accompany occasionally on her walking trips and she used to totally halt in between the walks because she used to get tired. And, no it never used to be brisk or on a very difficult terrain either and not long even (around just 1km) and she always had jogging shoes on!!!

Yes, I do feel bad for people who are young and can't walk even that much. This is when I always realize how important it is to be physically active because I do not desire to be in either of my above-mentioned friend's place. I am lazy and that's where it all ends. But, I just wanted you to ask if you stop in between when you are doing any mild form of exercise. Also, it opens up an interesting theory which I have been meaning to share with you all since quite long.

Did you know that when you are exercising, it is advised to vary your paces with time. So, for example, if you are walking, start slowly and then work up to a brisk walking pace and then suddenly slow your pace to slow walk and then keep on varying the speeds of your walk. Likewise, when you are cycling, going from vigorous to light to medium to heavy to vigorous is recommended. The reason is it improves stamina and burns more calories. But, at any point of time, stopping the exercise in between is never EVER recommended. If you are used to doing so, never ever do that!!! Always start slow and end slowly and if you feel you are tired, slow down but NEVER STOP.

So, for how long do you take your walks or keep your exercises going? Do you prefer to stop or vary your paces?

PS: For all the book lovers, check out my review of "The Krishna Key", the latest anthropological thriller by Ashwin Sanghi here. Looking forward to seeing you there :)

Related Posts:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Using laptop and mobiles during Pregnancy {Pregnancy}

What are we pregnant women not warned against - drinking, smoking, eating, stress? And now, add to the list, its mobile and laptops. All electronic devices and gadgets produce heat and radiation which are harmful for us but, imagining a life without mobiles and laptops is kind of difficult today. But, unfortunately, laptops produce intense heat that is harmful for all of us and especially for pregnant women. 

Do's & Dont's

Pregnant women should not keep laptops on their laps or stomach.
If you are working on laptop or desktops, take more breaks and relax your body more often.
Blink your eyes more often to stay away from strain.
Try to use the best comfortable position for your body and neck.
Minimize your use of cell phone and get shifted to old tring tring :)
Don’t keep your cell phones near your bed.

If you have a bad habit of keeping your laptop on your lap (yes, I know its meant to be that), then avoid it. Doing it a lot can lead to toasted skin syndrome, an unusual-looking mottled skin condition caused by long-term heat exposure. You can also see some dark skin coloration on your thighs. I know its difficult to do but if you are pregnant, try to use laptops and mobiles a little less. You will be troubled not only from the heat produced but also, hunching on laptops can lead to muscular pain, back and neck ache. 

Similarly, mobile phones are even more harmful than laptops for pregnant women. My hubby hated when I used to talk on phone during my pregnancy. He always asked me to use the landline instead. Well, when I googled about the harms of mobile for pregnant women then I was shocked!! Research says women using mobile phone often are more at risk of giving birth to a baby with behavioural problems. Using a mobile two to three times a day is also enough to raise emotional and hyperactive problems.

And, this advise can as well be taken by everyone coz laptops and mobile phones are equally harmful for one and all. How long do you stay glued to your laptops and mobiles? I, for one, am not a mobile person but I do stay glued to my laptop :(

Thanks for such a great post Punam :) And, hope you all find this helpful. Btw, I would like to tell you all about Punam's blog as well - be beautiful with Punam.


Related Posts on Pregnancy: 
How to deal with nausea?
Dealing With Heightened Sense Of Smell
Importance Of Folic Acid

Monday, September 24, 2012

5 Steps to get fairer skin? {Five Series}

PS: This post is for all those people who have asked me to give tips on fairer skin. I am sorry that I couldn't reply to you all personally but hope this post is helpful to you :)
Since quite long, I have been seeing a trend of questions on this topic from people who are either getting married or who have darker skin tones. So, first of all, I would like to say that you can't really lighten the skin complexion. The skin color is determined by the amount of melanin your skin has and you can't do anything to reduce the amount of this pigment inside your skin. Ok, after that bit of science, I would like to say that you can do somethings to preserve your original complexion.

Yup, that's the first step to any kind of skin care. And, I totally stress on the importance of this routine. I would suggest Neutrogena Ultra Sheer but my favourite is MVO Moisturizing Face Screen. I have often heard complains that the sunscreen does nothing but the secret lies in using the proper amount of sunscreen to provide full protection.

Double Cleansing
To remove makeup or sunscreen after an entire day of work, use oil or a good makeup remover before washing your face. Its one of the most important routines of the night. 

Face Wash and Tone
Use your face wash as you would and don't forget to use the toner if your face is oily. I would suggest using homemade toners for your skin type. Green tea for oily and combination skin and rose water for dry skin. You can do other experiments with them as well.

Moisturize and Nourish
One of the most important routines even if your skin is oily. Get a good moisturizer. Or, use aloevera gel if your skin is oily. Its the best bet. For dry skin, I would suggest using a facial oil or serum instead of moisturizer at night. 

Face Scrub and Mask
The above steps were regular routine. But, some extra love is needed to keep skin in perfect condition so exfoliate on every alternate day for oily skin or if you layer too many products on your skin at day time. And, if you have dry skin, exfoliate twice a week. 

For dry skin, use sugar to exfoliate. For combination and oily skin, mix salt and sugar to exfoliate. They have alpha-hydroxy acids which help with removing the blemishes and dark spots on regular usage. Also, they keep the skin supple and improve the skin tone by making the skin look brighter.
After scrubbing, always follow with a mask. You can use any commercially-available products. I would not suggest you to use fruit masks after scrubbing with sugar because fruits also have active enzymes and sugar also have active enzymes so that can too much for your skin at a single time. 

If you plan to use fruits, remember that they have active enzymes which do both the jobs - exfoliation and acting as a mask so keep the fruit juices on your skin for 15 minutes and wash off. Using sugar to exfoliate and using fruit juices as mask afterwards can make the skin sensitive. Honey is a good mask in such cases.

These are the steps I follow regularly to keep my complexion glowing. Please remember that whatever you do to your face, do the same to your neck and decolletage. You don't want your neck and lower body to look older and uncared for. But, also remember NOT to overdo things EVER. Keep things regular and you will notice difference in a month. 

What's your secret to preserving your skin complexion? Are you already following a particular routine or going to follow this routine? Do share your results :)


Related Posts: 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Are you sold the fairness products by sales assistants? {Your Opinion}

When I went to watch Heroine, I also went to check out products at the H2O+ counter at Shopper's Stop just like that to get some samples :D I did get samples but the guy was repeatedly selling me the whitening range of their products!!! I told him that I do not need any whitening products but still he continued with that. Its not the first time I had this kind of an encounter. Female assistants are even worse, in my opinion. 

If they see any person with darker skin tone, they simply start selling the whitening products!!! To give credit to the guy I mentioned above, he did try to sell me the brightening products later on! Anyways, I have often noted that this is a trend everywhere. And, I don't think its fault of the SA's but the society on the whole as Indians are really and I mean REALLY obsessed with white skin. 

I wanna clear a small misconception that many people have. Even many of the South Indians are in fact very fair and have flawless complexion, may be not as much as Kashmiris but definitely fair in a creamy complexion kind of a way. So, yes, those people are really proud of their complexion and often look for people with the same complexion. I have often noticed that North Indians often think that all Southies are dark but that's not true at all. I'll elaborate more on this theme later :) 

Anyways, you tell me - do you get irritated by these whitening products unnecessarily thrusted upon you or you like to buy the fairness products?

Don't forget to share your opinions on these posts:

Saturday, September 22, 2012 hair style stayed for an entire 5 hours!!!

I had mentioned long back that my hair is very ill-behaved and I am especially horrible in keeping hair styles for more than half hour. But, today for the first time, my hair really stayed in one hair style so that makes me soooooo happy :) No, it wasn't any intricate style. It was a simple side pony and my bangs were secured with pins so that they don't fly off in the auto!!! Still, it happened and then while watching the movie, my hair did get a bit spoiled due to rubbing with the seat back. Yes, I often sleep off in the halls :D No, I didn't sleep but I was irritated!!! But, my hair did get weighed down by the end of the day :( Gotta do something about that. Any ideas??? 

On a side note, if you are wondering which movie got me irritated, it was Heroine. Aaarghhh...I could kill MB for making such a movie and for the especially lame ending. May be it was befitting but I would have rather preferred a more ironic ending!!! First glitch was that all bits and pieces were borrowed from various movies and real life scandals and then woven into a script which was all broken and inconsistent. Second, the protagonist is weak, completely without a shred of backbone and determination, keeps on crying in the entire movie and not taking a strong footing at any point of time which is pretty irritating. Yes, I can imagine what she was going through but unfortunately, you can hardly feel as if you are involved in her story coz its too fantastic. Its not realistic at all like Page 3 or something which actually makes someone expect a lot from the movie. So, lets just say that watch it when it gets released on the television but definitely not worth wasting money to watch on big screen. The best part of the movie was Randeep Hooda who did a fantastic job (it can be called a guest appearance). Except for that, I guess the movie was loosely hanging. I often felt like it would break into the Mar Jawaan track from Fashion. Yes, its too close to fashion but the later was much better.

Did you watch it yet? Do share your views on the movie. And, of course, the hair style tips too :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Dare to Change : Chuck gadgets away while walking

So, this is specially for people who care to take a walk daily or even on weekends. I do try to maintain a routine of taking a walk everyday but yes, I do get tired sometimes and skip it. Sometimes, I am purely lazy as well. But, whenever I am out for walk, I have noticed a trend that many people walk/jog with their i-pods or mobiles plugged in their ears or if they are walking, they are carrying out a phone conversation most of the time. 

I do understand why people do it because I myself do it, in fact. It gets boring or monotonous to do exercise without having anyone with you so most of the time I also prefer to be on phone. But, I have also noticed that when I walk without having phones or anything to while away my time, I felt more peaceful and felt as if I did spend my time doing something worthwhile and the walk also refreshes me a lot. 

Otherwise, I don't feel refreshed at all. So, probably, having something else dominate your mind while doing exercise is not a good idea. Try ditching phones and i-pods while doing exercise, especially, walks. This way you also connect with nature and enjoy the walks completely. Also, another issue which is important is that using head phones in the ears increases bacterial growth in the ears. So, try to reduce their usage as much as possible.

Do you go for walk? Do you also pass your time with FM's and songs?

Previous Dare to Change challenges:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Spinach Banana Health Drink {Health Recipe}

the ingredients mentioned makes half a drink-sized glass
So, this is a long pending post. I had prepared this when I was at home in June. I won't say it was damn awesome or something but yes, it was definitely not bad. Let's check out the ingredients first. And, then, talk about it.

  • 10 spinach leaves
  • 1/2 banana
  • water (just a bit)
Method: Blend them in a mixer. That's it!!

Taste: Ok, I am sure not everyone would like it coz it has that raw leaf taste of the spinach. But, I don't mind that raw taste so I totally loved it. But, mom said that spinach leaves are first blanched and then made into the smoothie so shall give that variation a try. You can try it out as well :)

Have you ever tried any such drink?

Related Posts:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Do you love midnight snacks? {Your Opinion}

So, my question for today. I totally love to gorge on at midnight but yes, let me make my disclaimer here. Its a very unhealthy habit. You should eat light at dinner and go to bed directly (after two hours and by midnight, you should be deep in sleep). Being awake till midnight is bad for your health and gorging on food is even worse!! It does lead to weight gain as well. 

But, I totally love to have midnight snacks. At one point of time, I used to have ruffles and good day biscuits. But, I am trying to control and have slowly changed to hippo and aliva but I would prefer not to have anything in fact. I wish I could sleep by then but the problem is that whenever there is a Friday and Saturday, I feel like celebrating. 

Either, I end up watching movies or something on lappy or read into the wee hours of morning. Do you also have such habit? And, what do you think of midnight snacks? Do you have a healthier version for midnight snacking?


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Love Thy Self {Beauty Philosophy}

This is a new series I am starting for the benefit of everyone including myself. I have never really written about the philosophy involved in beauty, the societal rules and how it affects a person on a mental level. So, let's start with the first lesson. Most of it might be repetitive so forgive me in case you get bored!! 

Love your Skin
There is a psychological clock in our body which affects it in numerous ways and always gives reactions which are least desired. Well, do you remember the Newtonian law of everything has equal and opposite reaction? No, don't worry, I am not starting science classes but actually this law holds in real life as well and not only on objects. 

If you are obsessed about your weight, you find yourself constantly increasing. If you keep complaining about hair, you will find it breaking. If you simply hate your skin, it will keep on sagging. And, if you hate yourself, your vibrations or aura is automatically negatively charged. So, love yourself for whatever you are!!

Here, I should probably mention about a mail from one of the readers to whom I have not yet replied even after promising and yes, you can totally hate me for that!! I am so sorry if you are reading it. And, her grudge was that she wanted to kill herself because of her skin issues. 

Ok, granted that she might have exaggerated a bit but its true that a less than perfect self (forming unrealistic expectations) does affect us or our minds and souls in a strange way and that can go deep down. So, if you really care for my opinion, please chuck all such negativity out of your system coz nothing good has come out of it and draw inspiration from people who are worse off than you and are still happy. 

I do that and yes, it does inspire me as well to live better because struggles are a part and parcel of life and skin and hair issues can be considered least of anyone's worries if you really consider the real life problems which people actually go through. So, chill out and look at the bigger picture. Not obsessing on any issue does give a clearer outlook and helps dealing with the problem in a better way.  
What do you think?


Sunday, September 16, 2012

How are Rich Feel products? {Your Opinion}

So, have you heard of the brand? Apparently, it is a herbal brand and as far as I can recall, I do think I have heard of the brand but can't recall. So, I want to ask you if you have heard any reviews of the brand or used them? Please do put in your views. 

The reason I am asking is coz I pampered myself with a hair growth hair spa today. And, they used the rich feel products. They were supposed to use L'Oreal professional but suddenly changed it to this one. I am skeptical about herbal products, no doubt!!! So, would love to hear your views :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

What should I add?

So, last week I asked you if my reviews were helpful!! Today, I wanna ask what more would you like to see n the blog - any topic, any particular series you want me to start, anything. But, please, do not say makeup because I literally suck at it!! 

Also, telling you about my plans, I do plan to revive the Bridal Files which I had started. Its just that its very difficult to write on a topic which I am not personally going through or have been through!!! So, I shall try my best but excuse me if I don't come up to the mark!!

Waiting for your comments :) And, I really want to say thank you to Divya, Aman, Casey, Nirmala, Pranali, Roshni and the anonymous person who took out time to comment on the previous post :) I really appreciate your efforts!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Lakme Perfect Radiance Intense Whitening Capsules Treatment {Product Review}

Lakme Perfect Radiance Intense Whitening Capsules Treatment at Perfect Skin Care for you
This is my first ever try of Lakme’s skin care range. I have always loved their makeup products but this time I am madly in love with these capsules from their skin care range.

Price: 1250 for 28 capsules (very expensive, I must say!!)
My Experience
Lakme Perfect Radiance Intense Whitening Capsules Treatment at Perfect Skin Care for you
These capsules contain pale yellow serum which is very light in texture. When I apply it on my skin, it feels so soft!! Its absolutely non greasy and gets absorbed instantly into the skin. My skin is oily and I am, generally, afraid of creams and serums but this one rocks for my skin as it provides perfect moisture to my skin without making it oily. And, the best part is it never broke me out!!

Though the product says "twist the capsule to open it", I prefer scissors. The quantity of each capsule is 0.33gms and its enough for the entire face (I am wondering what about neck?? they could have given a bit more for the neck!!). Currently, I am on my second purchase and I am totally loving it. I can see wonderful glow on my face. (Thanks to my sister who forced me to use it and see the magic).

My uneven skin tone is more even and clearer. And the best part is my dark spots and post-pimple marks are lightened to some extent. It also keeps oil at bay for at leats 7-8 hours (when used at night). I don’t know why they called it a whitening treatment. It’s a great brightening treatment. I am absolutely in love with this serum though it’s little expensive for 28 capsules but its worth it.

Now, my friends are asking me what have I done on my face :D Lakme’s claim of freedom from 6 fairness blocks - dark spots, acne marks, uneven skin tone, oiliness, tanning and dullness is true. I think I have 5 of these problems and the product helped me reduce all of them. I am not tanned (you are so lucky!!). For me, it worked really great so I am going to buy it again.

Editor's Note: I was attracted to the product right form the start and now, your review is literally making me run to the shop and get one for myself but damn the expense!!! :(

Great review, Punam!! Don't forget to check out her blog here.

Other product I loved/hated from Lakme: 
Lakme Vital Indulgence
Lakme Perfect Radiance Fairness Facewash
Lakme Fruit Blast Berrylicious Fruit Revitalizing Scrub Mask

Tarun Chawla's Charges {Bridal Files}

So, one of my friend's sister is getting married in November and she had enquired for the famous photographer, Tarun Chawla. I guess he hails from Delhi. So, I thought I would share the charges so that you may decide if it really helps you.

The guy charges 1.25 lakhs. This includes two photo albums and one video recording. My friend's sister is getting married in November in Lucknow and he didn't ask for extra flying charges. So, apparently that cost was included in the above-mentioned prices. The guy is a genius and takes the most amazing snaps. He has a policy to create a nice storyboard out of your wedding so he will come over 5-6 days before the D-day and get acquainted with all the family members. 

This seemed to me like a deal. He even offered flying to Hyderabad, in fact. Photographs are so special and remain all your life. So, I guess it makes more sense to spend on it rather than jewellery or clothes. Well, that's me!!! 

Hope this helps you all soon-to-be brides and congratulations :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dare to Change : Take out time for yourself

So, after a long hiatus, I am reviving my Dare to Change series because it really helps with my lifestyle. Now, the reason I wasn't writing on this topic was because of my little unsettled routine and time, I wasn't able to take out to think about my next challenge or anything!! So, this week's challenge came from the same issue. 

Always try to make at least 15 minutes to think and do something you want to do. 

Now, lets review how my previous challenges are faring. 
  • First Challenge - Not that I am following it very regularly but I can still say that I am faring well in this challenge of mine because I know my body has got used to this exercise and I can climb up to 6 floors pretty easily. So, yay to it!!
  • Second Challenge - Ok, so this is such a difficult challenge that I am not at all sure I can ever succeed in doing it. Getting up 15 minutes early is a far away thing, in fact I have started getting up at 8 these days!!! So, nay to it and try and try and try :(
  • Third Challenge - I am not able to follow this regularly because of one major issue and that is boredom. I know I should stay away from laptop after a complete day spent staring at in the office and then while putting up posts and other surfing but I am just not able to do it. So, will have to keep up with it and try to indulge more in books :)
What about you? Are you trying out any of these challenges currently? 


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Body Weight vs Body Fat {Health}

This is for all those people obsessed with weight loss who start in the dark and don't seek enlightenment. When you are getting on to a weight loss regime, you should be definitely aware of certain facts. I am definitely not a big supporter of gymming but lately one of friends told me about the extra facilites a gym provides. You are given a trainer on a payment basis which is I think you are already aware of. 

But, what you might not be aware of is that they calculate right from your height to measure your BMI, cholesterol levels, fat levels and all other things which even I am not aware of :D So, this enlightenment came to me when I was talking to my friend and so, I thought I would spread it out to you :)

So, the very important thing you want to remember is that your fat levels should be in limits. And, no body weight is not directly proportional to body fat. Even people with normal weight can have higher fat levels depending on their lifestyle. So, when you start on a weight loss or fitness regime, you would want to keep or bring your fat levels in control.

Btw, I would like to tell you an interesting fact. Stairs are damn good to burn your fat levels. So, get going :) Also, if you had followed my Dare to Change series (I know, I have been very lazy lately!!), my first challenge was to use stairs instead of lifts as much as possible. And, then, I read this book called Sexy@Sixty in which the author asks one question "Can you climb up three flight of steps without gasping for breath?". And, I can proudly say that I can climb upto 3 floors without really getting short of my breath and 5-6 storeys with a long breath inside!! Yay, I am happy to know I am fit enough :D What about you? How many floors can you climb without being too much stressed out?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Importance Of Folic Acid {Pregnancy}

During pregnancy, the doctors advise and prescribe few supplements like folic acid, iron and calcium. As I said, I had severe nausea so I could barely eat anything. Because of this, I never cared about taking any of these supplements. When my husband shared the importance of these supplements, I felt really guilty. These supplements are really very important during pregnancy. Today I shall be sharing the importance of Folic acid for the baby.

So why is folic acid so important? 
Folic acid plays a huge part in the development of a baby's neural tube. Insufficient folic acid has been shown to increase the chances of a neural tube defect in the unborn baby. A baby's neural tube is the first part of the central nervous system that grows. By the time this part is fully developed, and baby is born, it has become the baby's brain and spinal cord.

My husband suggested me to also get this supplement from food sources apart from taking the tablets. Some excellent food sources of folic acid include green leafy vegetables - dark lettuces, spinach, greens of all types, broccoli, beet root, lentils and beans and even calf's liver, fruits sources - oranges, grape fruit, raspberries. If you find these foods too unpalatable for you, then it's an excellent idea to take a folic acid supplement. Folic acid is also found in copious amounts in non-vegetarian sources such as turkey and chicken livers.

For a pregnant woman, per day intake of folic acid should be 400-600mcg. These are the things I am sharing with my own experience and a bit of knowledge but it is always advisable to consult your doctor before blindly taking anything.

Thanks for such a great post Punam :) And, hope you all find this helpful. Btw, I would like to tell you all about Punam's blog as well - be beautiful with Punam.


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I have been a bad blogger!!!

So, this is a belated apology post to all those readers who have sent me queries but not received any mail from me. I have over 100 of them sitting in my inbox!!! And, yes, I have been lazy, irritated and frustrated and can't say what not!!! So, please give me time to respond to your queries and I shall try my best to reply to you. If you have urgent requests, you can mark them on high priority. 

And, if you are missing the August month hair diaries, its because I had literally ignored my hair and did nothing for it. So, as a result, they are rough, dry and frizzy and unmanageable. I haven't even applied any hair mask since a month and ends have become hard enough to poke my back!!! That's something I realized when talking to my friend. So, I have started the Kamini treatment again!!! Hope my hair gets back to what it was. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Is rheumatoid arthritis hereditary? {Your Opinion}

I would request you all to please answer the question in case you know any doctor, you are a doctor or you have any one in your family or friends with such cases. I need some information regd. this disease.

For the uninitiated, rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease which occurs mainly in the joints but not necessarily restricted to it. The cause of the disease is as of yet unknown but a mistaken identity flares up the disease. The white blood cells start killing the body's own cells thinking them to be foreign substances. In case of rheumatoid arthritis, they mainly attack the joints.

Apparently, according to wiki, low levels of vitamin D can also trigger this disease. For those who do not know, Vitamin D is extremely important to prevent any disease related to the bones. So, if you are getting less of Vitamin D, I would suggest you to eat a balanced diet and get good dose of sun everyday. Also, deficiency of calcium leads to arthritis so better to get a good dose of it. Waiting for your comments :)


Sunday, September 9, 2012

SOS Organics Wild Mint and Herb Garden Handmade Soaps {Product Review}

Wild Mint
Price: Rs 80 for 100gms

I know the print is totally illegible so I shall put it down here - coconut oil, vegetable oil, lye, peppermint, rosemary essential oil, nettle leaf powder
the swirls had nettle leaf powder on them so the soap was little scrubby as well but not harsh or even enough!!
this one feels really really cool, perfect for hot summers!!! In fact, whenever I used this soap, my skin was cold :D you would understand what I am saying if you know the peppermint coolness like you get when you eat Polo or any other mint!
wasn't very moisturizing but not drying either!

expensive coz it does melt away in 20 days for one person!!  
would love to know what exactly is the vegetable oil they use!

Herb Garden
Price: Rs 80 for 100gms


after using the Wild Mint, this one didn't really make a mark!
decent soap with moisturizing properties!!

again expensive coz it melts super fast but there is a way to use handmade soaps and that should be followed stringently. Check the tip here (at the end of the post). 

Natural Mantra (recently hiked their prices because of shipping costs but I do hope they bring them down soon!)
SOS Organics (you can order from their site directly but minimum order is 500 and no COD)

Interesting Fact: I would also love to bring to your attention the fact that the soaps sold by Earthy Goods are manufactured by SOS Organics only. Check out my reviews on their soaps as well :)

Related Posts:
Earthy Goods Forest Honey Nourishing Handmade Soap
Earth Store Cinnamon Spice, Jasmine Lavender and Mountain Rose
Earthy Goods Vanilla Patchouli Indulging Handmade Soap

Saturday, September 8, 2012

How much help are my reviews to you?

So, in view of the third anniversary coming soon (in December), I want some feedback about the blog from you all. Time just flew!! Join in and comment. You can rant or rave on my reviews and tell me how to improve them to help you more. So the stage is all yours and lemme know what ever is in your mind!! I'm waiting :)


Friday, September 7, 2012

How to take care of your feet? {Five Series}

Second post in the series, I thought I would write about feet because I have never touched on the topic before in the last 3 years almost!!

Wear Socks when going out
Yes, that's my formula to protect my feet from sun, rain, wind and what not!!! I always wear socks when out unless, of course, I am dressing up! 

Salt Foot Baths
Second high on my list are the foot baths. If you haven't yet given a warm foot bath try, you are really missing on one of the divine pleasures of life. Try adding salt to relax the tired feet or add essential oils or body oils for a great-smelling feet.

Moisturize, Moisturize and Moisturize!!
That's the next. Always keep them moisturized. If at night, you sleep with body oils applied on your feet, the better. It keeps the heels from cracking and looking ugly. Even when you are heading out or going to wear socks, moisturize first. 

Hygiene is the Word
Yes, socks, dust, pollution, heels, all play havoc on your feet. So, keep your feet clean at all times. Make sure to put your feet inside shoes or socks only when dry. You can use body powders or foot powders to keep the sweat away from the feet. 

When you are back home, first act should be to free the feet from your shoes and socks and wash them, preferably in warm water and mild soap. Dry them in a soft towel. Yes, go for these little luxuries. They make you feel good :) And, get some cute fluffy bunny bedroom slippers.

The most important thing for your feet. Keep heels reserved for occasions and go for flats in daily life. These days, there are countless and amazingly chic alternatives - be it flip flops, floaters, ballerinas and I don't know other names :D For me, its always floaters and shoes most of the times and with two left feet, I can never carry heels anyways so wedges it is!!!

How do you take care of your feet?

Related Posts:
5 tips on How to use Bath Oil?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Soul Tree Travel Size Samples Preview

Before starting the post, I would like to state that this is just a preview post as I know many of you are waiting to hear my views on the Soul Tree shampoo. Also, these are only sample sizes which I have tried out so I am not doing a full review. So, let's start :)

Soul Tree Indian Rose with Cooling Vetiver Shower Gel
I totally liked it. It smells really nice in sort of a natural way. I don't think I really felt any cooling but it didn't leave my skin stretched or dry. The sample was small so I could get only 4-5 uses out of it. My dad also tried it once and said it was ok. Worth trying out!!

Soul Tree Triphala with Conditioning Henna Hair Repair Shampoo
I have a full size product of this so a detailed review will come sometime in first or second week of October. But, for now, I would say that it does leave the hair soft and shiny and doesn't let it frizz much. But, I think this shampoo is for oily or normal hair and not for dry. 

Soul Tree Licorice, Shikakai & Bhringraj with nourishing Coconut oil Shampoo
This I thought would be more suitable for dry hair. But, otherwise, pretty much the same. 

Now, a small point on both shampoos which I am not yet clear of - the triphala one didn't remove oil at all when I used it for the first time but the trick I found out eventually is that leave the shampoo on for 2 minutes and it cleanses really well. Since they do not have SLS/SLES, the product probably takes a little time to cleanse the oil (totally my theory!!). So, if you are a beauty who loves to oil her hair regularly, make sure you keep the shampoo on the hair for 2-3 minutes before washing off. And, don't worry, that doesn't dry out the hair at all :) 

Rest of the details, you can ask in the comments section and I shall definitely try to put more detail and experience in my detailed review. This post has been put up only because I have finished up all the samples.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How many times do you avoid sun at noon? {Your Opinion}

This has been my issue since quite long. So, I thought I would pose this question to you all. How easy or difficult do you think is avoiding sun at the peak time in the noons? For me, its always the noons when I can get my works done or find time to go out for shopping or anything!!! Especially, when on a vacation, you are always out in the noons. So, how do you exactly avoid the sun in the peak time of 10-4? 

For me, I do put on a lot of sunscreen which gives me protection and use umbrella and scarf both to avoid the sun. But, sometimes, its just not possible!! Anyway, reapplication of sunscreen is very important when you tend to stay out so please bear that in mind. Also, its very important to follow with an after-sun treatment so as to control some of the damage done to the skin. But, it is advisable to avoid sun at the peak time at any cost. 

So, what do you say?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dealing With Heightened Sense Of Smell {Pregnancy}

My sense of smell isn't strong at all. Even when the food burns when left on the gas for long, I can barely smell it from the next room. But during pregnancy, my nose all of sudden started working and was out of my control. Yes, one of the biggest disadvantages is heightened sense of smell. 
Its not always same with everyone. The strength varies from person to person but for me, it used to result in nausea and vomiting. Doctors say estrogen is responsible for this. When your estrogen rises, your smell sense also rises. So, I followed some things to manage this issue:
  • Well I tried to stay away from cooking and ate those foods I can stand to smell. Even if I used to cook at times, I made sure that I kept the chimney on and the windows open to banish musty odours.
  • Smells tend to cling to the body and nose sometimes. So, I used to carry a perfume or any scent with me all the time. This was helpful especially at some public places. Even the body odours of other people affect me a lot so I tend to stay away from closed spaces like lifts.  
  • Mint and lemon fragrance used to be my favourite, explore yours :)
    • Similarly, if you are going to gym, prefer timings when there are less people otherwise you will have to bear that sweaty odour.
    • Wash your clothes regularly with good fragrant detergents but always use light soothing scented products and toiletries. There are so many options available in the market these days.
    • Keep your home open and airy so that it feels fresh all round. Even good room freshener of your choice will help (make sure its not very strong).  Fragrant Candles or diffusers are also very helpful.
    • I always loved to sit in my garden and smell the flowers. It helped reduce nausea as well.
    • Cigarette smoking is injurious to health. Passive Smoking also affects pregnant women. I used to feel puckish if I smell its smoke.
    • Don’t keep your veggies and fruits or any other food in plastic bags. The smell of plastic can make the products also very smelly.
    • Clean your refrigerator frequently so that food kept in it doesn’t smell. My maid used to clean it with baking soda. She said this will banish the odour. Thanks to you, Shanta (no its not Shanta Bai from Kal Ho Na Ho, its actually her name :D). [Editor's Note: Vinegar helps as well :)]
    And, most important thing during pregnancy is to be happy and calm. Hope the post was helpful. Do let me know your views on the post :) 

    As I notified a few days back, Punam is on board as an occasional contributor to Perfect Skin Care for you. Hope you enjoy her posts. And, I also hope she becomes a regular contributor :)