Friday, September 21, 2012

Dare to Change : Chuck gadgets away while walking

So, this is specially for people who care to take a walk daily or even on weekends. I do try to maintain a routine of taking a walk everyday but yes, I do get tired sometimes and skip it. Sometimes, I am purely lazy as well. But, whenever I am out for walk, I have noticed a trend that many people walk/jog with their i-pods or mobiles plugged in their ears or if they are walking, they are carrying out a phone conversation most of the time. 

I do understand why people do it because I myself do it, in fact. It gets boring or monotonous to do exercise without having anyone with you so most of the time I also prefer to be on phone. But, I have also noticed that when I walk without having phones or anything to while away my time, I felt more peaceful and felt as if I did spend my time doing something worthwhile and the walk also refreshes me a lot. 

Otherwise, I don't feel refreshed at all. So, probably, having something else dominate your mind while doing exercise is not a good idea. Try ditching phones and i-pods while doing exercise, especially, walks. This way you also connect with nature and enjoy the walks completely. Also, another issue which is important is that using head phones in the ears increases bacterial growth in the ears. So, try to reduce their usage as much as possible.

Do you go for walk? Do you also pass your time with FM's and songs?

Previous Dare to Change challenges:

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