Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Some Classic Products {Beauty Products}

After writing about my favorite brands all through my life, this post was a bit inevitable to pay homage to all the things which characterized the 90's.
  • Dettol : I know that it has to be the first coz I can't forget the smell of it ever. It strangely brings back all the times when we used to fall down and hurt ourselves and bleed and then cry :D It would probably forever be found in every home. 
  • Nivea Tin : Another product which I think is timeless and the brand image of Nivea. I want to get a hand on the German version of the same product coz I have heard it to be much better. 
  • Ponds : Remember the bubli-bubli-woosh ad!!! I used to love it though I have never used ponds. But, it was famous in many houses. 
  • Charmis : I am not sure how many remember this but I don't think it was exactly popular. Though, just for information, it has made a comeback in the market again.
  • Vicco Turmeric : I don't think anyone can ever forget the ad of "Vicco Turmeric, nahi Cosmetic". And, the obnoxious smell of the cream and I had countless times tried applying that cream but it never suited my skin :( But, its one product which you can never forget. 
  • Parachute : No list of old products can be quite complete without the mention of that wide mouthed Parachute hair oil which regularly used to freeze in winters and had to be scooped out using the fingers (hurt my nails) or the spoon. 
  • Old Spice Shaving Lotion : Any one remembers that??? I used to love it!!! 
  • Brylcreem Hair Cream : I never understood what it was but knew that my father used it regularly and probably, I had also tried using it though I am not sure of the results :D
  • Santoor Soap : They smelled gorgeous!!! 
  • Boroline and Boroplus : How can one forget them?? The very few products specially for the lips and pretty much all-in-one products :)
  • Calcium Tablets from Glaxo : Ok, I am not sure if they were popular but I used to eat them quiet regularly and loved them to bits!!!
  • Threptin Biscuits : Remember, the ugly green tin dabba which used to give so much pains to cut out the tin sheet which sealed the biscuits. The packaging still remains the same and neither has the taste changed. 
  • Complan Plain Flavor : Ok, I have always been a Complan Girl and will always be. I love to eat complan even today and yup, eat not drink. And, I used to love to couple Threptin biscuits with Complan and eat.
  • Uncle Chips : How can one ever forget them?? They were the tastiest chips I ever had and Ruffles really holds nothing in front of them. Remember "Bole Mere Lips, I love Uncle Chips". I had bought them a few months back but they have again disappeared from the market :(
  • Swad and Pan Pasand : Ok, many people used to love the candy 'Swad' but not many liked 'Pan Pasand' but I used to love it.
  • Kismi Bar : Do you remember distributing Kismi bars in red packets to the whole class on your birthday. Oh yes, I used to love them. Found them some years back but I guess they have again been discontinued. 
  • Cadbury Gems : No childhood could ever be complete without them :D
Can you think of any other product?? I guess there was something from Lakme too but I am not able to recall it quiet. Ok, I had started out with a different intention but the post turned out to be my most cherished and missed things form my childhood. Thinking back now, things have changed so much!!! I wonder what we will do when we are in our 60's and 70's. Do you miss anything from your childhood??? 

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