Monday, November 7, 2011

Is Vanity Silly? {Your Opinion}

"Vanity" by John William Waterhouse. The image of Vanity, a beautiful woman admiring herself in a mirror, is found in European Art from the time of the middle ages. It is an ambiguous image because the spectator is invited both to admire and to disapprove. In this haunting picture, Waterhouse surely intends admiration to be paramount.[Source:]
Well, ok, I want to confess something today - No one in my friend circle knows about my blogging passion. I told one of my friends almost a year later and he was stunned saying there was nothing to hide in it. Well, in my defense, I wasn't sure how everyone will take it. They might think it silly and very girly and very stupid and in such veins, if you know what I mean. Well, no one really cares for a person who is all beauty and no brains, right? But, is indulging in vanity such a big sin? I mean if you do like getting made up or taking care of skin, is it such a bad thing??? Well, obviously, the answer I know is 'No' but have you ever faced a prejudice like that? No, I have not faced it but I think I will if I tell any of my friends which is pretty embarrassing and a lowering thought. What do you think?

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