Saturday, December 31, 2011

My December Haul

Welcome to a beautiful and brand new year. And, let me also make you a little jealous :D Ok, nothing to be jealous of coz I have wasted money unnecessarily. Actually, I was indulging in shopping therapy to give a boost to my moods so you wouldn't find any economies in my expenditure (and, I always have a double mind after the purchases are done). I have to curse the online shopping facility for that. It has become so easy to spend money. Anyways, let me get over my cribbing and let me show you what I have bought. As to whether I am happy with the products is something I shall share in the subsequent weeks or months.
a face wash, face pack, two soaps and a wooden comb from Lass Cosmetics
shopped from for the first time and it was a fabulous experience and they sent me a gift too :)
the famous Aroma Magic oil blends
loving the colorful packaging
in case you didn't realize, these are soaps from Earthy Goods
and, this is their very famous Apricot oil - my latest love
That was all my haul in December. And, these things came by mail so check them out :)
Review coming in a week or two
Yardley Gift Hamper
Vedic Line is a herbal brand!!!
papaya scrub and mask and a sunscreen with spf 30
a very interesting product and I am extremely curious to know if it works!!! it is a natural hair inhibitor :)
In the mean time, check out some of the other reviews:

Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Hey Everyone

Wish you all and your families a very happy and a prosperous New Year. And, may this new year bring everything which you wish and dream of. 'Change' is the trend of life and 'Time' is its biggest weapon. Cherish what you have, don't pine over what could have been and don't regret anything in life because everything happens for a reason. Enter the new year with new hopes, new dreams, new ambitions and new resolutions. Learn to 'let go'. 
And, speaking of resolutions, what all did you resolve. Well, one of my resolution is to be a better blogger and write seriously. I hope I can stick to this resolution all year and you guys have to help me consistently :) And, no, I don't intend to break this resolve.

And, have a blast on this new year. 
What are your resolutions for this year?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Changes coming this New Year!!

Hey All
Hope you are doing well and your New Year preparations are going at full pace.I have planned out some changes in the blog for this New Year so I am listing them out here.

Blog Posts
I have been pretty random at blogging for the last two years following no plan regarding the posts so it happened that you had a barrage of reviews coming together or a barrage of DIY's. So, I have decided to organize the posts on different topics all over the week. The plan I have chalked out goes like this:

Sunday Beauty Products / Special Series / Guest Posts / Hauls
Monday Skin Care
Tuesday Your Opinion
Wednesday Hair Care
Thursday DIY / Home Remedies
Friday Health
Saturday Reviews

So, what do you think of this???
PS: I did install IntenseDebate but it was wreaking havoc with the template so I had to uninstall it. Sad that I can't get the threaded comments on the blog. Wish blogger does something in that regard. 

Fake Vs. Original Vaseline

It’s not original, if it’s not “Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly”
Is your skin feeling dry even after applying Vaseline Petroleum jelly? Does it leave your skin looking rough and bruised? So are you using the original Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly? Nowadays the market is flooded with cheap products that look like the original Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly and are available at cheaper prices. But these moisturizers only last for a short time, making the skin drier which can cause more harm than good to your skin. 

The Original Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly is a combination of mineral oils, paraffin and microcrystalline waxes, which makes it translucent and gives it a smooth texture. It goes through a three step purification process, which involves hydrogenation to remove chemical purities in the jelly. Further, it undergoes double filtration to remove the finest unwanted particles, thus making it the purest and smoothest form of jelly.

Dry skin is caused by the loss of moisture in the layers of the skin, which happens every second of the day due to exposure to harsh chemicals and rough weather conditions. Fake products use either Glycerine or Menthol, which moisturizes only the top layers of the skin for a short term and eventually leaves your skin dry and dehydrated.


SKU & Price

Vaseline Pure Skin Jelly

8g - Rs 5/-, 25g - Rs 23/-

50g - Rs 36/-, 100g - Rs 65/-

Vaseline Hydrating Jelly Aloe Fresh

17g - Rs 26/-
43g - Rs 44/-

Vaseline Gentle Protective Jelly Baby

17g for Rs 26/-

The Original Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly is absorbed rapidly into the skin and provides even moisturization through all three layers of the skin, locking in the skins natural moisture and helping it to repair itself from within naturally. It also forms a protective barrier on the surface of the skin to avoid the damage that is caused by harsh weather and polluted environments, thus resulting in soft and supple skin all day long. 

Original Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly is your ultimate skin expert, boasting of multiple skin uses. It’s not just a body moisturizer but can also be used as a night cream, make-up remover, to protect against nappy rash, minor bruises, post shaving etc. to name a few.   


Always, buy the Original Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly after testing its four unique identification marks, i.e. the Original Vaseline logo in Blue and Silver, the triple purification seal, the pure skin jelly trademark and the correct spelling “VASELINE”.  

The Original Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly is available in three variants across all retail outlets pan India. So rush to your closest outlet to buy the Original Vaseline Petroleum Jelly to get healthy and glowing skin!

PS: Information provided by PR.

Lotus Herbals sponsors the Colors Golden Petal Awards

PS: Information sent by PR.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Getting into the Gluten Free Regimen {Guest Post}

[Source: Google Images]
Gluten forms an integral part of the diet, knowingly or unknowingly one takes in high volumes of gluten laden food products almost every day. Approximately 7% - 8% people are gluten intolerant for whom a gluten free diet is of utmost importance; which means these people will suffer from headaches, bloated stomachs, intestinal problems etc. The most severe form of Gluten intolerance will be converted into a disease labeled Celiac Disease. Once gluten intolerant people decide to cut down on their gluten intake chances are that they will stop getting headaches, bloating in the stomach and other intestinal problems. 

The main source of Gluten that forms a part of the normal diet comes from foods processed from wheat, barley and rye. This is a protein component that gives the final product a chewy texture. Thus its the gluten that is present in bread, pizza, pasta and cakes that give these food products a chewable texture and the awesome yummy taste relished by one and all.

Though no medicine can really claim to remove the ill effects of gluten on gluten intolerant human being the best option that is advised for such people is stopping gluten laden food products. It’s quite simple to agree on this point but quite difficult to implement it in real life. It’s not only bread, pizza and cakes that contain gluten. There are several other food products that will have some volume of gluten. 

The course of action for those who have been diagnosed with Celiac or gluten intolerance need to be quite careful about their health by controlling their eating habits. Concentrate on what you can really eat and not what you can’t eat. There are many options available in the gluten free world. It’s not the end of the world once you have been diagnosed with gluten intolerance. Remember your health is more important than your taste cravings. 

Learn to cook food that's gluten free. It’s quite simple and much healthier for people who can’t stand gluten in their diet. You just need to change your cooking habits and the world of gluten free recipes is open for you which I can bet is yummier and will surely tickle your taste buds.

About the Author: Elva G Lamont. The author is an expert in writing on topics like Food and Self Improvement. She is a fitness freak and believes that nutritious food and happiness are the essential elements of life that help a human being lead a quality life. Being gluten intolerant she is a big time advocate of Gluten Free Food and Gluten Free Recipes.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Blog Awards

So, guys, as a year-end festive gift, I received four blog awards from four really awesome blogs. Check them out: Lancy from Makeup and Beauty Tips, Jiya from Shopping, Style and Us, Deepa from Beauty Angels and Siri from My Likes and Thoughts. So, thanks a lot to all of them. And, do check out their blogs. They are awesome!!!

And, as usual, I would like to dedicate this awards to all my fellow bloggers and readers and the givers too. Blogging is a tough business and even though, it might be a hobby, writing everyday is a tough job so kudos to all those who keep up on their toes everyday and thank you to all those who read these chatters everyday :)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

Wish you all a merry Christmas. May all your dreams and wishes come true :) Enjoy!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Blogging Vacation!!!

Hi everyone

Since I am facing a blogger's block and I am also a little put up with work, so I think a blogging vacation shall be good for me. Hopefully, it would give me some good ideas for posts and do send in your recommendations. I shall be online so do post your comments and mails. They are very valuable to me. And, I shall see you all in the New Year now (may be before that too but I don't know when).

So, wish you all a very happy new year and a merry Christmas!!! Do make your resolutions and stick to them and have a blast. 


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Applying Eye Shadows the Right Way {Guest Post}

[Source: Google Images]
Applying eye shadows by Maybelline can change your look entirely but getting them right is tricky as it requires expertise and practice. It has to be blended properly, for it to be perfect. Some easy tips are given below so that you get the right blend of colors and look fresh and beautiful all day long.

Perfect colors
When you are buying eye shadow, it is essential to choose colors that complement the color of your eyes. The wrong color of the eye shadow can make your eyes look dull instead of enhancing their look. For example blue eyes look fantastic with blue or bronze eye shadow whereas green eyes go well with light brown, lavender or dark green.

Apply Primer to your lids
Apply primer to your lids and follow it up with foundation or powder before applying shadow, otherwise, it may smudge and not look good. Eye lids have oil glands and are therefore, very greasy. Primer and foundation absorb oil and give your lids a matte look all day.

Blend the colors
You have to blend the colors properly after applying the shadow. Apply blocks of colors on the lid and then blend them with your fingertips of a soft brush that is meant especially for applying eye shadow. Some of the color palettes come with sponge applicators that are not very effective when it comes to blending. Ensure that the lines demarcating the colors are not visible and merge smoothly.

You need highlights to brighten up your eyes. Use a bright color to highlight the brow bones. You can accentuate the corner of your eyes too to hide all the imperfections. It will give you a soft look.

Shimmery eye shadows can draw attention to the fine lines around your eyes. Go easy on the shimmer if you are older. Try to use a metallic shade in cream color, as it does not accentuate those age lines.

Using dark shadow
Applying dark colors near the lash line can make eyes look smaller. So keep them to outline the crease and use soft colors at the base.

Cleaning up the brush       
It is essential to wash and clean the brushes every day. It is not only hygienic but will also ensure that your brushes have along life and give you a good application. Wash them with baby shampoo and air-dry them after each application.

With these tips, you don’t have to be a celebrity to draw attention to yourself. Your beautifully colored and bright eyes will ensure that you are no less than one. However, if you are doing an eye makeup to team up with your scary halloween costumes for adults, be sure to double quote your makeup for an intense dramatic look.

About the Author: Brenda Lyttle is a beauty expert who began writing for publications in her community in 2005 and now commands an authority in writing on beauty tips, anti-aging, and acne treatment related topics.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

3 unlikely places for fat accumulation {Skin Care}

[Source: Google Images]
Which parts of your body do you think accumulate fat the fastest?
  • Tummy - oh yes, you eat anything and it goes straight ONTO your stomach. And, extremely difficult to get rid of!!! A continuation of the fat goes as flabs to the lower back.
  • Thighs - Lot of fat accumulates there especially when there is less physical activity
So, which are the 3 most unlikely places where fat gets accumulated? 
  • Hips: Yes, your posterior expands as you indulge yourself in sinful delights!!! This is continuation with fat on your lower back and thighs.
  • Shoulders and Upper Back: The whole region starts from the upper arms and continues to the middle of your back. And, this completely changes your body postures and body shape. Also, this fat continues and deposits on the breast region too.
  • Face: Right from the temples continuing to the double chin which creates jowls on the neck, you can find the fat being deposited and that changes your face shape too. 
These are three most unlikely places and generally, unnoticeable by you when you see yourself. But, the fats on these regions are not stubborn and not so difficult to get rid of. Also, the hips and upper back are prone to appearance of stretch marks easily so be careful. Proper routine and exercise does take care of these areas. Back bending exercises are especially useful for these areas.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Oil before hair mask? {Your Opinion}

[Source: Google Images]
So, this question came out of one of the reader's queries. So, I wanted to ask you what you think - should you oil your hair before applying hair masks (homemade) or not?

Well, here is what I think. No. Why? Hair has a limited absorbing capacity and you would want your hair to absorb the nourishment you are providing the hair through the hair mask, whether it is an over-the-counter product or home remedy. And, when you oil your hair, the hair soaks in the oil because of which the hair's absorbing capacity reduces and it will not be able to soak in the entire hair mask's goodness. So, it is always better to apply a hair mask, any hair treatment or even oil on dry and, preferably, washed hair so that it is free from dirt, grime and its own oils.

It is often said that hair conditioner should not be applied on dripping wet hair. Why? Because, hair is already soaked in water so how will the conditioner be able to act on the hair except for simply coating it. Well, this is my opinion and I would definitely love to know yours. And, one thing I would like to make clear is that there is no hard and fast rule for hair or skin care. It all depends on the logic and a little understanding of how the skin and hair work and what works best for one.
What do you think? Pin It

Don't forget to register your opinion on:
How often should you change your pads?
How many products do you layer on your face?
How long do you leave the conditioner?
Is Vanity Silly?
Hair Mask first or Conditioner?
Budgeting on Shopping
Face Mask Sheets or Face Masks?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Suryamudra to produce heat inside your body {Health}

[Source: Google Images]
Inability to get up in the mornings is one of the worst side-effects of winters and going to schools, colleges, works and that woo with the exams on the head, its just mind boggling!!! So, try out this yoga pose which is supposed to produce heat in the body. 
  • Sit in a meditative pose. 
  • Hold your hands vertically upright with palms open near your ears.  
[Source: Google Images]
  • Press the ring finger with the thumb and keep the palm upright for both hands. 
  • Do not tense your body. Let it relax but sit upright position.
Hold this pose for 5 minutes and feel the heat seep inside your body. This position is also great for controlling obesity and for weight loss. It is a simple pose and doing it for 5-10 minutes daily can make your morning much easier so give it a try!!!

Caution: Do not do this pose if you have high blood pressure, ulcers or are suffering from fever or any other inflammatory conditions. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Healthy Weight is Good {Tip of the Day}

Another tip today on how to look young. Maintaining proper weight according to your height is the key. Being too thin or too fat makes you look older and unhealthy and doesn't create a good impression but having love handles and a little bit of flabby fat makes you look chubby and young. So, take care of your weight and maintain it and do not go for yo-yo diets which cause too much of weight gain or weight loss as it directly impacts your skin.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Garnier Light Fairness Face wash {Product Review}

Price: Rs 70 (I guess!!!)


My Experience
Ok, so my first experience with the face wash wasn't very good coz it always used to dry my face. As far as I remember, this is my second purchase of the product and I wasn't very keen on using it either. Anyways, so when I first used it, the result was same - it used to dry my face horribly. My skin used to feel stretched and tight. So, obviously, I stopped using it. But, then, I had to take this one along with me on one of my short tour. And, since I went to Bangalore at that time, the results were completely different.My face wasn't dry at all. Instead, it looked soft and visibly brightened and I needed to follow with the moisturizer but it wasn't that necessary either. And, then, again I went back to colder climate and the result was a bit of dryness. So, the conclusion is that this face wash works only in tropical and coastal climates. So, if you have dry, mature skin or live in colder climate then this is not a product for you. Otherwise, it might be a good buy.

But, let me warn you about the fairness claims that its not so great!!! Just a little brightening. If you want a fairness face wash, Lakme Perfect Radiance gives better results. And, this doesn't remove tanning, either!!!

PS: Ok, so why is the packaging torn from the middle. Check out in the last pic, you will find how much of the product is wasted!!! And, since I like to get the maximum out of my money, I always make sure to cut the packaging from the middle (if possible) and use up the remaining product. Imagine every product of yours gets wasted in almost similar amounts so whether it is a face wash or a face pack or a scrub or even moisturizer, try to cut the packaging and use the product which you can't squeeze out!!! And, this left over product served me around 5-6 face washes :O

Also read reviews from the same brand:
Garnier Wrinkle Lift Anti-ageing Cream

Thursday, December 15, 2011

How do I control my temptation to splurge?

[Source: Google Images]
We are all humans and we get tempted. As the saying goes "Temptation is the curse" and it happens to the best of us. So, I just wanted to share how do I control mine? 
  • I have my priorities listed regarding the products I try. For example, I am not even an amateur in makeup so that saves a lot of my money!!! 
  • I have only a few categories of products which attract me. For example, I like to dabble in face masks a lot but not all face scrubs snatch my attention. I like to try out hair masks which are supposed to be applied before shampooing as I feel its a better value for your money and gives better nutrition to your hair and saves me a lot of time too in the bathroom!!! I do not generally get attracted by face washes and least by face moisturizers but then, I do like to switch body and facial oils. I hope you get the general idea.
  • Not all brands attract me!!! For example, I have never bought a VLCC or a Jovees or even Shahnaz Hussain (I bought one but it was so horrible that I returned it at once, it was a sunscreen, sorry for the strong words but I can't be gentle about that product) coz they don't simply seem effective enough for me. Then, there is Fab India which initially attracted me but whenever I go to their stores, I come out empty-handed. And, then, there is Biotique which is pretty much a debatable brand but still I like its products simply coz they attract me and also, they work for me. I wouldn't talk about Lush, TBS and other high-end brands coz I don't have that much of pocket size. A few splurges during my birthday and spirit uplifts is different though :D 
  • So, list out the brands which really attract you and you feel will work on you. No point spending on brands which do not attract you but you have read good things about unless it addresses some specific skin issue you might have. 
  • Another priority is the ingredients or natural products. I tend to go for herbal products more so you would find more of Biotique and none of Neutrogena unless you are talking about sunscreens. So, decide if you are comfortable with having certain ingredients in your products!!! For example, I am fine with parabens but not with SLS/SLES in my face wash or shampoo and I am still searching for a good shampoo.  
  • Ok, here is another thing about ingredients. If a product claims to have sandalwood and saffron at a mere pennies cost then you can be sure its hardly there. After all, saffron is the costliest spice in the world!!! And, then the gold scrubs or diamond facial kits at a cost of Rs 500 - 1000 doesn't make sense to me. I do not find those products genuine so I tend to skip such products.
  • Spending money has become even more easier with the online shops available which deliver goods to our doorstep and you can order at one click so you should be extra careful there with the credit cards and other forms of smart money you have!!! 
  • I am a patient shopper most of the times. As I said, not many brands attract me but when something catches my eye, I try to spend sometime mulling over the product and deciding if its worth or not unless its something very much affordable. I try not to spend even 50 bucks unnecessarily. No, its not caution or miserly tendency but its about not accumulating unwanted products and then forced to use them!!!
  • I don't know if this works for you or not but I have noticed that when I do not do impulse shopping, generally, the products, more or less, work for me. That is one of the other reason why I try to avoid impulse shopping. 
  • And, there is one more thing. There are some products in the market which are worth their prices so splurging on them makes sense because they really do wonders to your hair and bodies. One of such brands is Kerastese which I desperately want to try but the price ranges are too huge so I am saving up for it :)
These are somethings which I consider when I spend money. But, when it comes to reviewing of the products, I am generally more open to options but I still have my own priorities listed in that too. Reviewing well-known brands is safe but I do tend to take my time when I am considering new brands and a lot depends on how much they attract me too. Temptation does play a part, after all ;)

How do you spend and splurge?

Almond Oil for Eye Makeup {Reader's Tip}

This tip is submitted by Bharti of I Love Korean Drama. Check out her blog too. In the meanwhile, she says:
"Try using Almond oil as eye makeup remover. Will help to condition the lashes and help them to grow ^__^."

And, don't forget to read other Reader's Tips:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What hydrates our skin? {Science}

[Source: Google Image]
Hydration is one of the most important issues of skin. And, we use toners, serums and moisturizers to help our skin look supple and hydrated. But, our skin has its own method of keeping itself hydrated. So, the question is what actually keeps the skin hydrated?

Skin Constituents
Skin is mainly made up of water, lipids and proteins. Water is, of course, what keeps it supple and hydrated but there is more to skin than just that.

Yes, our skin also has proteins in form of amino acids, collagen, keratin and many other chemical groups. And, the skin also has lipids which are molecules which create a protective barrier over the skin and guard the skin pores against intrusions from pathogens (bacteria, virus, etc.). Another thing which our skin has as lubrication is 'sebum' produced by sebaceous glands on the surface of the skin.They are also one of the kinds of epidermal lipids.

So, we have various things on the skin which provide hydration to the skin - sebum and the other kinds of epidermal lipids (lipids present on the skin surface). Let me also make a point here that there are various kinds of lipids in our body used for numerous function in the tissues and blood. So,we are talking only about the skin lipids. 

Now, these lipids have to be replenished continuously. And, as we age, the replenishment of the lipids doesn't happen as well as in the younger ages. These lipids are mainly made up of fats. That is why it is advised to eat lots of fatty acids for a beautiful supple skin. Vitamin E is one of the most important vitamins found in the lipids. And, Vitamin C which is responsible for collagen production of the skin also takes care of the lipids production on the skin. 

So, next time you think about hydrating your skin, hydrate it from the inside as well. All group Vitamins are extremely important for a healthy skin.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Second Birthday!!!

Hey Everyone!!!
Don' forget to sing the birthday song ;P
You know guys, I am such douche bag!!! Today is my blog's second birthday :) And, I had forgotten :O But, now that I am reminded of that, happy birthday to me and this blog and thank you so much everyone for your constant love and support and hope to get in the future too. 

Slowly, I have realized how much this blog has become a part of my life and how much dimension it has added to my monotonous life. And, yup, one more thing, I have created a google plus page for the blog so do visit it and add it to your circles. And, you can find the badge on the right side bar. Please, please, +1 it. That will be really generous of you. 

And, I have made one more change - I have cut short the feeds so those who are subscribed to the blog and love to read the posts in their mails, I am so sorry. And, I hope to see you more on the blog. And, I am adding some new features to the blog's navigation which I hope is perfectly added and becomes successful. Shall keep you posted on that!!!

Love you all,
Swati :)

Update: Check out the new navigation bar and do tell me how you like it???

Image Courtesy: Google

Does your scalp get itchy? {Hair Care}

[Source: Google Images]
Well, itching is thought to be related to uncleanliness only. But, there are many other reasons for itching to occur. And, winters and especially, nights are worst times when itching gets full-blown. So, lets see what can make a scalp itch.
  • Dandruff: Winter dandruff is pretty much common.
  • Dry Scalp, Flaky Scalp, etc.: Winters makes the hair extremely dry and absorbs moisture form the scalp too because of which scalp can get irritated and dry and start to itch. 
  • Hair Fall: If your hair is nearing a time of hair fall, scalp does start to itch. This is something my mom faces. So, you might as well beware. 
  • Harsh Products: Sulfate based shampoos are particular great at drying the scalp. In fact, yesterday I washed my hair and my scalp felt so stretched and dry. I was literally itching to use oil!!! So, choose your products wisely.
Use moisturizing serums for the hair. Oil hair regularly before washing it off. Use good products as harsh chemicals literally dry out the scalp. And, never apply conditioners on your scalp. 

Monday, December 12, 2011 Website Review {Online Shopping}

Home Page which lists almost everything one would need to know 
This is another of the websites but what makes it special? Check out the review. 

As you can see, various categories of products are listed
Product Information with suggestions along side
Its simple and easy.

Brands are listed on the left side. More brands are being added as the site grows.

Checkout and Payment
My Shopping Cart
Provides COD option and free shipping above Rs 250. They also accept credit and debit cards, cheque and demand drafts and net-banking option is also available.
Order Confirmation Message
The site also remembers your order details and helps you track it online which is pretty useful!!!
e-mail confirmation and they had called to confirm the order too!!!
Order Delivery
So, everything done, when and how did I get my products? Well, the website promises 3 days shipping but mine wasn't delivered in 3 days because of the Vega brush I had ordered. Its a fragile item so they decided to deliver it personally which took 2 days more. But, that did not really bother me. Personal service is always welcome. But, otherwise, the service is pretty quick.
That's how my order came - nicely packed!!!
that's the Vega bath brush!!!
that's the rest of my order and with this packaging you can't really expect anything to happen to your order and btw, I have oil also as one of the items but nothing happened to it.
that's the order when opened with thermocols and bubble sheets wrapping the products and the invoice is also there
that's my order and I got a goodie too - the small Jovees sample of its anti-pigmentation blemish cream
I am overall super-excited with the site and hope to see some awesome brands online easily accessible!!!

PS: I was provided discount voucher from the website for the review.

Also Read:

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Difference between Pimples and Acne {Reader's Query}

[Source: Google Images]
This has been lately asked by one of my friend's and frankly, the question confounded me. I mean everyone knows what pimples and acne are but how do you really define them and differentiate between them? Putting in words was not very easy for me and I thought this is a question or a topic which should be discussed on a larger scale. So, do join in with what you think too :) 

Ok, so my experience with breakouts overall is not very extensive and I am very grateful for that. In the course of last one year, I did face some series of acne cysts and the first of them was pretty serious. But, later on, I managed to control the breakouts by hit and trials. So, anyways, that was just a reference to how much I actually know about breakouts. But, lets see what I have found out by reading combined with something I know.

What is Acne?
Acne is an inflammation of the skin in which the secreted sebum gets collected in the pores of the skin and gets trapped there. That causes the skin to elevate in the form of a breakout. It may or may bot have a head. If its acne, it will most likely have a white head and is painful to touch. If its a pimple, it is not painful unless it is too severe. Pimple is also a form of acne. Any breakout on the skin can be termed as acne and then, acne is classified into various categories depending on its size and severity. 

Pimples are generally milder than a full-blown acne attack. But, the reason for both the skin conditions is same - clogged pores. And, why are they common in oily skin types? Because, the skin secretes more sebum and is more likely to have deposits of sebum on the skin. So, keeping the skin clean is one of the carnal rules of skin care. If you find that your skin suffers regularly from breakouts, you should consult a dermatologist and use prescription products as they have chemicals which are better at cleaning the pores and keeping them unclogged. 

Salicylic Acid is one of the common ingredients of such products. And, many people use aspirin tablets at home in their DIY's. I would like to reiterate the fact that only 2% concentration of salicylic acid is advisable for the skin at max so if you are one of the people who uses full dosage of aspirin for face, please refrain from doing that. You are damaging your skin instead of helping it. Read more about this here. I have already done a post on how to safely use aspirin tablets at home.