Friday, December 9, 2011

Tips to wake up during colder mornings {Health}

[Source: Google Images]
Body feels sluggish in the winters so I am putting down some tips and some yoga poses to help your body awaken in the mornings. Try them out, they actually work.
  • Drink lemon/lime juice in the morning as soon as you wake up. It helps with your bowel movements. 
  • Splash your face with rose water / water seven times. This wakes you up. 
  • Click your teeth together to set off rousing energy in the body. Follow with gum massage. 
  • Trataka is an eye exercise which should be done for the health of your eyes
    • Rotate eyes in clockwise direction five times.
    • Repeat in anti-clockwise direction. 
    • Simultaneously, stretch your body completely as soon as you wake up (Yastikasana). 
      • helps kick start your metabolism
      • gives your body a powerful stretch
  • Awaken your third eye - massage the center of your eyebrows with your forefinger dipped in oil. 
    • this alerts the rational part of your brain
  • Anuloma-Viloma and Kapalabhati are two amazing yogamudras to awaken the body.  
These tips will also control the unwanted weight gain in winters. 

Also read:
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How to protect skin this winter?

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