Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sugar Body Scrub with a twist {DIY}

Ok, let me confess that making a DIY every week is really not easy for So, today's recipe is almost a copy of the sugar body polish which I have posted long back. I could think of nothing else and I have so many products to finish that it simply discourages me from whipping anything up. So, I have decided that next week I shall bring you a different series of DIY's which will include Essential Oils because currently, I am a lot into them.
Sugar + Multani Mitti
  • 3 table spoon sugar
  • 1 table spoon fuller's Earth or multani mitti
  • 1 table spoon rose petals powder
  • 1 tablespoon spices (mixture of nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves)
  • Honey (as required) 
  • Essential Oils (optional) 
Rose petals
Mix all the ingredients except EO and honey. Add honey and make a gooey paste. Add 1-2 drops of your favorite drops of EO's and, scrub and rub a dub :)
Awesomely soft and instantly glowing skin. Moisturize well and sleep off to protect this glow and it will last you for days together. Do this once a week for a good scrubbing.
The rose petals provide luxury and spices provide a spicy edge to the scrub. And, you will like the smell too. 

Hope you like it :) 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Hair Diaries - February 2012

So, the second month is over and I am putting down my second entry in my hair diaries journal. I didn't try out any DIY or any hardcore deep conditioning treatment coz I am too lazy. But, some product probably saved my hair.

What did I do in February?
  • Ok, I added rosemary EO to the shampoo to give it a nice twist and see how would the results turn out. So far, its fine but nothing extra-ordinary. 
  • Now, you would also be interested in how rosemary EO worked for me which I mentioned in my last month's hair diary. I have not seen any major improvement or anything but to be honest, it's a little soon to say anything as hair always takes time to show any difference. 
  • Also, I heard that cinnamon is amazing in increasing blood circulation so I was thinking of getting its EO. And, I would be researching more on the EO's good for hair and would be reporting back.
  • And, I did regular oil treatments, not even hot. That was the limit to my hair care routine. I know I gotta try harder to reach my goal!!! 
  • Btw, my hair is already developing split ends. I know why? Because, my hair had been uncut for a long time and the hair cut last month had not been more than a little trim and style change so I gotta trim my hair a little regularly till all the split ends are resolved.
Products Used
So, guys, any tips which I should use??? 

Related Posts:
My Hair Diaries - January 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

Been Tagged!!!

"Tag-O-Mania" is a fun and interesting activity which is doing rounds in the Blogosphere in which, when a person tags you, you have to complete a form like activity and then you have to tag 11 other blogs after completing your activities. This is a pass on game.

I've been tagged by Divine Blush from A Makeupaholic Confession is a wonderful blogger, and her blog is filled with deals and steals in the Online world. Do check her blog. (Ok, I copied from her blog but she is wonderful too!!!)

Now comes the Rules of the Game:
Rule#1: Put the rules on your blog.
Rule#2: Every person who is tagged in this activity should tell 11 things about themselves, then answer the questions asked by the person who tagged you, then tag 11 other people and ask them 11 different questions.
Rule#3: Let the people whom you tagged know you've done so.
Rule#4: Don't tag anyone who's been tagged before.
Rule#5: Really do tag 11 others; don't go all ''if you want to take this tag''.

Here comes 11 things about me:
  • I love sleeping.
  • I live to eat. I am a big foodie.
  • I am single child but not a pampered one :(
  • I hate blogging or writing under pressure. It never turns out right.
  • I love the rays of sun on my skin early in the morning and gentle wind blowing on my face.
  • I can't cook at all but it's my passion :D
  • I am a sucker for love stories with happy endings and KANK is one of my favorite movies even though everyone hated it. To be frank, I realized the meaning of the movie now.
  • I am bold but too scared of public speaking. I have huge stage-fright.
  • I love making things, anything - origami or DIY's or experimenting.
  • Ok, have you ever slept on the grass and star-gazed??? Yes, just like Ram arranges everything for Priya in Bade Ache Lagte Hain (if anyone watches it)!!! Trust me, it's a beautiful activity especially when you have someone to share it with.
  • And, I am in loveeeeee with Angelina Jolie. Ok, Jen's fans are gonna kill me. But, I really find her exotic and beautiful in a surreal way!!! Did you have a look at her Oscar outfit. It was fab!!!

Questions asked by DB:
1. What do you prefer a candle lit dinner or a trekking adventure
Candle lit dinner is too boring and I won't be able to see my food :D Trekking is more fun and romantic!!!

2. What u like – time to spend with ur hubby or with your family
No hubby so family, it has to be :D Ok, I do really love spending time genuinely and my parents have instilled in me a love for road trips and we used to go for one or two holiday trips every year besides a weekend getaway almost every month. That used to be real fun!!! And, nothing is better than sharing a lazy sunday afternoon reading books.

3. What do you prefer – Online Shopping or Offline shopping?
Not sure but I love the easy things in life.

4. What do you prefer Home made mask or the one from the stores
I am too lazy to make one for myself so you will find I am not doing any DIY posts on masks currently :)

5. Tell me any one lie that you told to ur hubby
No hubby!!

6. Ur favorite Pilgrimage place
I want to go to Kedarnath. And, I love Jwalaji. It's the one where the flames keep sprouting from the ground and no mineral has been found yet at the place and supposedly the place where the tongue of Sati fell when she was being burning and being carried by Lord Shiva after the Yagna arranged by Daksh.

7. Ur favorite beauty tip for Skin
Sugar + Oil scrub for immediate glow and hydration.

8. Saree or Modern wear??
Jeans, anytime. I don't mind going for my wedding in that too :D

9. You are left alone in a forest which essential thing you would ask for to survive?
Water and Food. Or, probably fire :)

10. Monthly how much do you spend for buying Cosmetics & skin care products
Approx. 500 bucks. 

11. What do you prefer Straight hair or Wavy Curly one??
Wavy, I already have that :)

Whom am I tagging?

And, what do you guys have to do? Simple, answer these questions. They are just the same as I answered them :)
1. What do you prefer a candle lit dinner or a trekking adventure
2. What u like – time to spend with ur hubby or with your family
3. What do you prefer – Online Shopping or Offline shopping
4. What do you prefer Home made mask or the one from the stores
5. Tell me any one lie that you told to ur hubby
6. Ur favorite Pilgrimage place
7. Ur favorite beauty tip for Skin
8. Saree or Modern wear ??
9. You are left alone in a forest which essential thing you would ask for to survive?
10. Monthly how much do you spend for buying Cosmetics and skin care products
11. What do you prefer Straight hair or Wavy Curly one??

And, thank you so much DB :) I had fun doing this!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Skin dryness and burning? {Skin Care}

I recently, or it has probably been sometime, received a query from a reader which went like this:
"She has oily skin and prone to pimples. But, this winter, her skin is excessively dry. The lady applies an oinment "Acnicin Gel" to dry out acne. She asked if this gel was the reason of her skin drying out? Her skin even burns while applying moisturizer. She has already tried using vaseline and olive oil but to no effects."
Frankly, I am entirely clueless regarding her  problem. It tried racking my brains too to find out if I had ever faced such a situation or anything. So, this is my explanation which might be wrong. I do hope you all will surely contribute remedies to this problem.

[Source: Google Images]
Hormonal Imbalances
The first reason I can attribute her dryness is to hormonal changes. The reason I am saying is that as the various phases of life pass by, our hormones change and that affects the entire health. This winter and even now, even I am experiencing extreme dryness. And, I do moisturize regularly, I am eating healthily but to be honest my routine was not as good till a month back so probably this is a butterfly effect of that health negligence routine.

Since she asked that if the dryness is due to the ointment, I would say it is unlikely if you have been using it since years together as I am assuming you have. Otherwise, may be. That can easily be made out looking at the past history with the ointment.

How to take care of the skin burning?
Aloevera should be a good alternative to relieve the burning of the skin.

How to treat dry skin?
Now, using aloe causes skin to dry out even more so dryness becomes an issue again but guess what, aloe also improves the moisture levels of the skin. And, using a good moisturizer after a soothing application of aloevera should do the trick.

I really hope you try these remedies out and do let me know how it works out for you :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lucky Week!!!

[Source: Google Images]
Happy Sunday and my day off too :) So, ok, I want to share two things. This week has been unexpectedly lucky for me. Lots of good things have happened. And, I shall share some of the good things as they materialize. And, on the other hand, I got my first approval of book review too this week. There is a book reviews program on BlogAdda for those who don't know so if you like reading books and review them, you should definitely apply for it.

I have got the book and let me add it is amazing and hopefully, my review does justice to the book. The review would come within a week and I am hoping that you shall like that too :)

And, the other thing I wanted to share was something funny. As I have disclosed earlier that I haven't disclosed about my blogging acitivites yet to my family and frinds and so it happens that my mom was checking my bank balance yesterday and spotted some transactions and as a result, I had to disclose that I write content online :D So, right now, I am a freelancer for mom. Now word about the blog though!!!

Btw, another funny thing was that I have received 4 packages around for reviews and my mom is always wondering why will anyone send me full-sized products for free!!! So, on this note, see ya tomorrow with some serious skin issues :)

PS: Guess what!!! My mom tried out a face mask today. She has never used anything on her skin except Moisturex and vaseline and has never been to a parlor :D And, she tried out the Ponds Miracle Mask. The whole episode was such fun!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Dabur Uveda Lightening & Radiance Face Mask {Product Review}

This is a requested review so I hope you find it satisfactory :)
Price: Rs 165 for 100ml (near abouts)

I quite like its ingredients but I guess a face mask could definitely use less of them :)

My Experience
The mask is soft to touch and is muddy in color. It spreads easily on the face and dries fast enough. The mask smells strongly of sandalwood!!! Ok, so getting to the serious aspects, the mask might breakdown when not used for long. No need to worry at all coz that happens. And, the mask breaking down means you can see some water coming out separately. It is red in color so you can be sure that it has all the ingredients it mentions. Otherwise, there are no issues and frankly, it is not an issue at all. Just that you should be aware of it. 
The mask dries up in 10 - 15 minutes or even less. And, yes, it is a little pain to remove as it has clay but if you remove it a minute before it dries up entirely, it is pretty easy to remove and even if it dries up, it's not as difficult to remove like fuller's Earth. Ok, now a warning - it tingles for 30 seconds or so but soon settles down. I didn't get any burning sensation or anything and I don't really think there is a need to worry about it. 

Now, the results - the skin probably glows a little but not much. I am not entirely sure if it removes tan or not but skin does look really bright the next morning. But, the results are not long-lasting. It does help reduce the pore size and a little with the blackheads too. But, otherwise, it is probably a product which would behave differently with each. I think it should be tried once. And, I do like the packaging of the entire range.

Have you tried anything from the range?

Other products from Dabur:
Dabur Gulabari Moisturizing Cold Cream with Rose Extracts

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cardamom for acidity {Health}

So, a few days back, I did overeating and got a stomach ache. Then, my mom prescribed me this. 
Cardamom relieves Acidity
Mom told me that cardamom should be taken when one has acidity. I was out of pudin hara tablets and had nothing else and was in a little painful state. So, this was the only thing available at hand. 

Otherwise, as far as I know, cold milk is also great for acidity. 

Other Uses of Cardamom
I am not doing a research on cardamom so I shall mention only those uses which have helped me personally. 
  • Mountain or Travel Sickness: Has always helped me to an extent when even tablets tend to fail. So, always carry some cardamom and cloves with you on your travels and tours. 
  • Stomach Upsets: Apart from acidity, regular stomach indigestion can also get cured by cardamom. 
  • Bad Breath: Ok, I never have used this but I know it helps :) 
  • Dry Cough: Keeping cardamom in the mouth and not swallowing it but letting its essence flow through the throat slowly helps with dry cough and sore throats. 
So, what do you use for acidity problems? 

Skeyndor Eternal Icy Eye Cream

It’s time to bid farewell to eye wrinkles and those pesky fine lines. Skeyndor’s Eternal range offers Icy Eye Cream, a cream for the eye contour area with plant-origin stem cell nanoliposomes and lupine extract. This anti-wrinkle cream boosts skin renewal around the eyes thus revitalizing them.  The cream is effective on epidermal stem cells, making them produce a greater amount of the vital dermal substance. Reinforced with pure water liposomes from Swiss glaciers, it leaves your eyes looking fresher, more radiant and sensual.

Price: Rs. 2150 for 15 ml

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mistakes and Improvements in Perfume Making (Part IV) {DIY}

So, last three weeks, I had discussed and elaborated on my efforts on perfume making at home. Today, I wanted to talk about some of my mistakes and shortcomings in the whole process and what I have learned from them. 

Profiles of Essential Oils
This is a very important point. Whenever you are going to buy EO's or in fact, going to blend them, always make sure that all the EO's you are going to use do blend with each other harmoniously. For example, when I decided to buy the first 5 EO's, I had checked out their profiles very carefully from [go to the Essential Oils and click on Learn More for further information]. 

I got for myself - Bergamot, Rosemary, Neroli, Ylang Ylang and Frankincense. And, then, I decided to do a blend of all the 5 EO's together. After I had made the blend, I sensed that something was wrong because nothing was blending well and then, I checked out the profiles once more and found out that Rosemary doesn't go with any of the others so the blend was fruitless. 

So, when you are going to try any new blend, you should definitely keep this in mind.

Ways to try out new blends
EO's don't really come cheap so there are a few tips which might help you. 
  • If you think about a promising blend, take those EO's and open their caps and inhale their scents together and see if you find the aroma promising. This is a little of hit and miss so I tried out the next tip. 
  • Use cotton ear buds. Fit them in the EO's nozzle and take out a drop of the EO. Put it in a small glass tub. Do the same with all the EO's you want in your blend. Use separate buds for each EO. You can also cut the buds in the middle. Keep all the buds in the glass jar and keep it ina  dark place for 48 hours. Take it out and sniff the aroma. If you like it, you can proceed with the blending. 
    Either of these methods save the wastage. 

    Disadvantages of Homemade Perfume Making
    Ok, what I found out was that the longer you keep the blend, the stronger the perfume becomes. But, application of perfume oil is really difficult. You either need a dabber or a roll-on otherwise the oil doesn't get applied smoothly. So, always think about packaging before hand. Same problem went with the solid perfume too. The applicators are easy to apply otherwise you have to use the fingers to apply.

    Another issue which I faced was how long the perfume stays on me. And, this is quite a concern. And, I really need to work on making my perfume oils stay long enough. As of now, I am not really happy with it because a lot of factors affect this. But, still I do want to keep the perfume oil on my skin for entire day or at least half a day and I am not yet sure how far have I come in this endeavor. 

    So, this finishes my DIY series on perfume making. I shall keep updating whenever I find something significant to report. And, hope you liked the series and it has intrigued you enough to try out this interesting DIY for yourself :)

    Previous Posts in the series:
    How to make Perfume Oil at home? (Part I)
    How to make Perfume Oil at home? (Part II)
    How to make Solid Perfume at home? (Part III)

    Tuesday, February 21, 2012

    Skipping Conditioner = Split Ends? {Hair Care}

    PS: Hey all, please do let me know if you prefer this layout to the previous one or was that better. I will really appreciate the feedback.

    Last week, when I did a post on "Should I apply conditioner or not?", I got a lot of responses on the post and one of the comments made me think about this post. The comment was from Krupa and she said "skipping conditioner n using leave in serum is a gud idea but without conditioner wont we get split ends?". 
    [Source: Google Images]
    What does a Conditioner do?
    Anyways, thinking from her point of view, she is right. Conditioner is supposed to condition our hair and provide it moisture and nourishment and when the hair strands are nourished, moisturized and hydrated, they do not develop split ends. But, I want to clear a misconception. Conditioner never ever repairs Split Ends. No product can repair Split Ends.

    How to get rid of Split Ends?
    Split Ends can only be prevented by taking care of the hair and being diligent about applying the products meant to keep the hair in a good condition. But, if they develop, you can only snip them off. Otherwise, those split ends can travel up the length of your hair strands and cause your hair to look rough and damaged. So, always take good care of your hair with regular deep conditioning treatments and snip off the ends at regular intervals too.

    How do you take care of your split ends?

    Monday, February 20, 2012

    Skeyndor arrives in India

    Skeyndor Skin Care – Spain's No.1 skincare brand brings 'scientific skincare' to India
    45 years of history
    No. 1 skincare brand in Spain
    Presence in 45 countries worldwide
    200 products
    Trusted and used by 20,000
    Aesthetics professionals worldwide
    Skeyndor means “golden skin” in Spanish. Started in 1966 by Publio Puente, a doctor in Chemical Sciences and Juan Morcillo, an Industrial Engineer, to make people happier with their skin, Skeyndor Skin Care is known for its mix of goodness of nature and the wonders of science in more than 200 of its products which range from professional salon and spa to home care. The range is designed to repair damaged skin, balance problem skin and encourage the skins natural defenses to work at optimum levels throughout a person's life. These products also support pre and post operative care to ensure the maximum benefits from these treatments.
    Morcillo, born in Paris, knew the importance of the cosmetic industry and brought the firm a business and managerial vision, while Puente was in charge of the research laboratory and product development.
    In the 70s, Skeyndor extended its services all over Spain, with a wide range of products and introduced new more attractive and practical professional packaging. The culmination of the firm's national expansion stage was the opening of a branch office in Madrid in 1980. This expansion was completed with the opening of Training Centres for professionals in Barcelona and Madrid, in the middle of the 90s.
    During the years 1987 and 1988 Skeyndor launched the liposomes in the professional market; these were the first formula of encapsulating active ingredients that minimised the risk of allergies or irritations, as it only releases the active ingredient when it is inside the dermis. It soon became a success and today this technology has evolved into nanotechnology, one of the scientific basis of current Skeyndor research.
    At the end of the 80s, the firm began its international expansion. Portugal was the first foreign country where Skeyndor marketed its products in 1989. From then, the firm strengthened its exporting capacity and in 1992 Italy joined its international network. During the first few years Skeyndor entered foreign markets by attending international cosmetics trade fairs.
    In 1996 the Skeyndor Export Department was created. At this time the firm began its relationship with Asia, and successfully laid the foundations for the future in these emerging markets, where the skin care culture is deeply rooted. At present, Asia is still one of Skeyndor's main markets, covering 11 countries and with a 6 million Euro turnover. In Asia the Skeyndor products are known as top professional cosmetics.
    Celebrities associated with Skeyndor include
    Penelope Cruz, Monica Belluci,
    Aitana Sanchez Gijon and
    Portuguese TV celebrity Cristina Mohler
    For Skeyndor, 2002 was the year it consolidated its international expansion. The agreement with the Japanese multinational Kanebo to research, develop and produce the Body Slindy body treatment range, led to a joint venture that lasted until 2006. This agreement promoted the brand image abroad, and it was awarded the Prize of Excellence in Exportation, given by the Chamber of Commerce.
    In 2004 Skeyndor created the Hydra Filler range, and became a pioneer in developing volumising micro-capsules for filling-in wrinkles. In the same year, the prestigious Herald Tribune in Sydney awarded a prize to the Sublime Eye Contour product, in the Platinum range.
    In 2006 Skeyndor launched Aquatherm, the fruit of its exclusive agreement with the Termas de Salies-de-Béarn (French Pyrenees) to develop the first cosmetic range containing the thermal water with the richest magnesium content in the world.
    2007 was the year that the Vitamin C based treatment was launched, for the first time free of parabens and including NIKKOL-VITC, a new generation of high cell absorption vitamin C, up to 7 times more effective than pure vitamin C.
    In 2008 the firm started its genetic cosmetics era with Eternal, a range containing plant origin stem cell nano-liposomes as the active ingredient, developed by Skeyndor's in-house R+D department. That same year, this product was awarded the European Academy of Cosmetics prize for the most innovative active ingredient.
    The year 2010 saw the arrival of the revolutionary Corrective range. After two years research and more than 25 tested active ingredients, Skeyndor launched this new anti-age treatment as a real alternative to surgery, as its active ingredients soften expression lines and fill in wrinkles, producing a visible effect after just a few minutes.
    From 2006 to 2010 Skeyndor consolidated its international position to the extent of reaching an export turnover figure over 30% of its overall sales. At present, the brand sells in more than 45 countries, through a network of 40 international distributors, and it is translated into 15 languages. Its products are present in 20,000 beauty centres throughout the world and 4,800 of these are in Spain. Its product range has succeeded in adapting to different climates and in responding to the skin types of different racial backgrounds.
    In 2010, the company aimed to increase exports by 15% and its plans included opening a new office in Hong Kong, a leading beauty salon that will operate as an exclusive training centre, like the ones that already exist in Madrid and Barcelona.
    After the results in 2009 indicating a turnover of 20 million Euro, Skeyndor set its target as reaching 50 million Euro in 2012.
    Skeyndor has its central office in Terrassa, Barcelona, where constant studies are conducted in co-operation with more than 50 international IT (Innovation and Technology) companies, and agreements are made with 3 cosmetic efficiency and tolerance testing centres: Evic Internacional, Biolab and Micro-Bios.
    Since 2000, Skeyndor has been working with various departments of the High Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) for applying new active ingredients under the concept of “Scientific Cosmetics”.
    Thanks to the commitment of its staff of more than 100 people, on a day-to-day basis, the Skeyndor beauty programs can be used as a working method by the more than 20,000 aesthetics professionals who apply these programs all over the world, from Canada to New Zealand.
    Skeyndor celebrates 45 years of 'Scientific Skincare' with the same passion that led to its creation in Terrassa in 1966: to offer the best quality, through pioneering scientific research and effective active ingredients.
    The time for a world-class non-invasive,
    research led encapsulating skincare has come.”
    - Ravi Mittal MD, Ekta Capital Limited
    [Ekta Capital Limited was started by Mr. Ravi Mittal in 1998, for marketing, distribution and training in beauty products and allied fields. The company subsequently acquired the exclusive rights for marketing and distribution the beauty products of “Make-Up Studio”, a global brand of professional make-up products of the Netherlands, in the Indian subcontinent. Recently the company has launched “Make-up Studio Training Centers” in India wherein high end courses are provided in beauty and professional make-up.
    Now Ravi's aspiration lies in making his companies grow with time keeping faith on the ethical and trusted pillars of good business.
    Skeyndor was launched in 4 cities Ludhiana, Amritsar, Chandigarh and New Delhi. The Product was demonstrated by the Skeyndor's International trainer Ms. Ceri Silk assisted by Ms. Kavita Deva Head-Training Ekta Capital Ltd.

    Patanjali Kesh Kanti {Product Review}

    Price: Rs 35 for 100ml

    Reetha, Amla, Bhringraj, Heena, Shikakai, Neem, Jatamansi, Tagar, Bakuchi, Haldi, Giloya, Ghrit Kumari, Amahaldi
    Base material: SLES,  NaOH, CMEA,  Nacl, Cabopol-980 (Source)
    Preservatives: Methyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben

    "In a nutshell"

    • Full of amazing ingredients too apart from SLES
    • Very inexpensive
    • Dries the scalp and hair completely
    • May leave the scalp itchy
    Wish List
    • I wish that the shampoo had no SLES and was really made up of only reetha extract and all herbal things

    My Experience
    I had read many reviews of this product and bought this one with huge expectations. No offence intended to the reviews I read but unfortunately, the product did not at all turn out the way I had expected. That taught me something new (more in some other post, keep a look out!!). Anyways, I have used the product with and without conditioner so one thing which remains imprinted in my memory after using this product is that it dries out my scalp so much that my scalp cries out for moisture. Seriously!!

    No, you should never skip the conditioner because it can turn back the damage caused by the shampoo. But, this shampoo dried out my hair a lot and made it rough like jhadoo (broom). Before using this, I has used the Dove Nourishing Oil Range and Pantene Total Damage Range and they both had kept my hair so soft and silky and shiny. This shampoo actually removed all those results and I seriously feel bad to talk like this about this product.

    Speaking on the positive side, it does leave the hair feeling softer when you feel your hair in bulk but the ends are not so really soft!!! Even when wet, the ends of my hair (my hair is cut in layers) always felt rough on being touched. I don't know how to explain that but I do hope you get the idea. And, probably, a little shine does get added to the hair but I am not so very sure of that. But, there was no hair fall or any other side effect.

    If you are using this and you have dry hair, you should really use a lot of deep conditioning treatments and softening treatments for your hair and especially the ends. I would say that if you have dry hair, you should definitely skip this product. And, I am going to use the rest of my shampoo for pedicure or some other purpose because I hate to throw away products.

    Patanjali stores across the country

    Also read other reviews of products from the same brand:
    Patanjali Aloevera Gel
    Patanjali Tejus Tailum Body and Hair Oil
    Patanjali Divya Dant Manjan
    Patanjali Ojas Multani Mitti Soap

    Sunday, February 19, 2012

    How to get rid of skin tanning? {Skin Care}

    Happy Shivratri :)
    First thing is that I had long ago done a post on what causes dark knees and elbows and how to get rid of them so I advise you to please go through it.
    [Source: Google Images]
    Diet for Fairer Complexion
    I would only suggest a healthy and balanced diet which has all the possible nutritious foods according to your eating habits. Don't overdo anything. A cleaner body means lesser skin problems.

    How to remove the tan?
    The basic reason for skin darkness is excess exposure to sun and the excess melanin production resulting from the exposure. So, there are some things which one can do to prevent tan and remove it.
    • Apply Zinc Oxide sunscreen to prevent tanning. And, even if you are not able to find any physical sunscreen, don't forget to use a normal sunscreen which is good and reliable and has spf 30 or more. 
    • Tomato and potato are great for bleaching and removing tan and bringing a glow to the face. 
    • Exercise is very very important for bringing a fresh glow to the face and regular hydration of the skin from outside and inside helps the skin maintain a healthy glow and a radiant skin. 
    • Always use accessories like scarf and umbrella when outside in the sun. It helped me most to prevent skin tan. 
    Have you any ideas on how to prevent tan?

      Saturday, February 18, 2012

      Just an Anecdote!!!

      Hey guys, oops!!! sorry, Ladies. Anyways, I wanted to announce that from now on, every Sunday would be an off-day for me :D I shall take a break weekly from blogging and hopefully, that would help me to be regular in my posts and provide me some respite. I shall be posting about just daily life anecdotes and daily life situations or any random ramblings which I might gush about.

      So, today, I wanted to share with you an extremely funny situation which happened last week with my father. He is currently in Delhi and was getting bored so he thought that a walk in Select Citywalk would do him good and he would have some coffee or hot chocolate and so he goes there. He finds an auto and gets into it. When he alights from the auto and is in the process of paying the driver, the driver suddenly says to dad "Kya rakha hai Mall mein? Yahan bas paise karch karne ke liye jaate hain log. Aap baith jaiyiye, thodi door par mandir hai, main aapko wahan chod deta hoon, wahan thode bhajan bhi sun lijiyega (What's in a mall. It's both waste of time and money. Let me drop you to a temple nearby and you can listen to some devotional songs there)." And, my father was dumbfounded and couldn't speak a word after that :D And, me and mom were laughing so hard after listening to this incident and at the same time we were frolicking in Inorbit here. 

      Anyways, see ya next Sunday with some other kind of fun!! Btw, to all my lovely reader's who have sent me mails, please please give me some days to answer to your queries.

      Friday, February 17, 2012

      Vedic Line Fig & Honey Moisturizer {Product Review}

      PS: I noticed my post had gone to spam folder yesterday so if you are missing my posts, don't forget to check the spam folder or add the e-mail address "" to your contacts :)

      Price: Rs 220 for 200ml



      • light moisturizer, perfect for oily skin
      • smells really good

      • not meant for dry skin 
      My Experience
      The first reaction to this product was that it smells soooooo good!!! Seriously. Not lingering but just a first whiff and some notes. Anyways, it is creamy in color but not so creamy in consistency. It is not a thick cream and spreads easily on the face. The one thing which I missed in it was moisturization. It is not a product for dry skin but it is perfect for combination and oily skin, especially, since summers have already arrived in Hyderabad.
      It is a light moisturizer and doesn't make the skin look oily at all. It gives a light dewy look to the face. And, you don't really need a lot of it, either, so 200ml is gonna last pretty long. And, I really like the packaging of this product. It comes with a pump so its hygienic and since it's a see-through, you know how much of it has gone. 

      PS: Product provided by the brand.

      Other products from the brand:
      Vedic Line Papaya Scrub and Papaya Face Pack
      Vedic Line Neem & Brahmi Disinfecting Face Wash

      Thursday, February 16, 2012

      Make Dryfruit mix at Home {Health}

      Today, I want to bring out an interesting way to consume dry fruits. I am not a healthy eater and in fact, I love all the Indian fried stuff, specially the snacks!!! So, it is quite difficult to make me eat fruits and dry fruits. I like to munch on tikkis than dry fruits. That's why, my mom hit on a capital idea to induce dry fruits into my system.

      What does she do?
      Take equal quantities of all dry fruits and grind them into a mix. Simple!!! And, then, I have to eat a heaped tablespoon of it everyday. I can mix it with milk or oats or corn flakes or eat it alone. Anyway, it tastes damn good for me and I really ask mom to make more for me as soon as I find my stock getting depleted.

      An extremely close view :D

      Dry Fruits and Skin?
      It has all the good oils and fatty acids which makes my skin healthy and moisturized from the inside. And, it also helps my hair to look beautiful. So, hope this post helps you to make your stubborn kids eat something healthy or even you could try it on yourself if you are like me :D

      Have you done anything of the sort?

      Wednesday, February 15, 2012

      Availability of Indigo Powder? {Reader's Query}

      Hey Everyone, Gayathri had asked me to post this query and I do hope some of you might be able to answer her. I can't :( So here goes her question.
      * I have brownish-blackish hair - upto my waist. 
      * I have applied henna/mehendi and have found that it makes hair really soft. A few greys are popping out and the henna does a good job of coating them a deep red shade. 
      * But, I want to change them to black. 
      * I have read that Indigo powder (similar to henna) makes the dyes the hair blue - which means henna's red + Indigo's blue = Bluish- black.
      I am finding it very very difficult to get indigo powder (in India). 
      1. Can anyone suggest where to get the indigo powder from? If an online store, have you ever bought anything there before?
      2. Have you had any experience with Indigo powders?
      So, have you guys any idea of where one can get Indigo powder? Btw, pure indigo powder is extremely hard to obtain ad is expensive too. So, it is always better to buy for reliable sources to ensure minimum or no adulteration of the powder. And, btw, Lush also has one of their Cacas in Indigo variants but I have had it from one reliable source that it doesn't do anything for gray hair which is pretty sad!!!

      How to make Solid Perfume at home? (Part III) {DIY}

      So, last two weeks I mentioned a little about background in perfume making and how I went about making my first blend. Today, I wanna talk about making solid perfumes.
      • Essential Oil blend (I used the one I talked about last week)
      • Vaseline / Beeswax (I used vaseline so I shall outline that)
      • Almond Oil / Jojoba Oil
      • Glass Jar / small tin box
      • Melt vaseline till it becomes completely clear. Same goes with beeswax. Use a double boiler for safety.
      • Take a tablespoon of the melted vaseline and pour it into the glass jar or tin box.
      • Add a tablespoon of almond oil.
      • Follow with a tablespoon of Essential Oil blend.
      • Let the mixture cool and your solid perfume is ready!!!
      The idea here is to divide the vaseline / beeswax, almond oil and the essential oil blend into the ratio of 1:1:1 depending on the amount of the perfume you want. But, from personal experience, a single table spoon of each would last really long. So, try out smaller batches only.

      Which is better - Perfume Oil or Solid Perfume? Many factors decide this answer.
      - Ease of Application
      - Strength of Perfume
      - Duration of Stay
      Solid Perfume is easy to apply but Perfume Oil is more strong (probably). How long does solid perfume stay really depends on your own body chemistry. So, you can try both and choose one which suits you the most.

      Tuesday, February 14, 2012

      Should I apply conditioner or not? {Hair Care}

      PS: This post is in perspective that leave-in serums are used after washing the hair. 
      [Source: Google Images]
      A week back, I was too tired of washing my hair and applying the conditioner and waiting in the shower so I made a simple process by simply washing my hair and sticking to the leave-in serum. And, I found my hair was really fluffy and well-behaved and was not weighed down for 3-4 days which wasn't there earlier. This prompted me to think if the conditioner is really needed for hair?

      Fine Hair and Conditioning
      Since I have done the article on hair textures, I have been inclined to think about hair care separately for both kinds of hair. Yes, conditioners are very necessary for hair but then a lot of other things also affect it - amount of conditioner needed and types of conditioners needed also depend quite a lot on your hair texture, right? So, why to make it a universal rule that you need a conditioner for your hair howsoever your hair and leave-in serum is also a conditioner. 

      Conditioner keeps hair soft
      But, there is another perspective that conditioner does keep the hair soft. So, leave-in serum's job becomes easy - to protect the loss of moisture. And, conditioner helps detangle the hair too by providing a little slip to the hair. And, many conditioners are able to tame frizzy hair. But, conditioners also have  big disadvantage - they can weigh the hair down. 

      So, what do you think - Conditioner or no Conditioner? Pin It

      Monday, February 13, 2012

      Vedic Line Papaya Scrub and Papaya Face Pack {Product Review}

      Wish you a very happy Valentine's Day!!! 
      In case the title is misleading, they are separate products but I wanted to review them together because I used them together and they are complimentary products. Papaya extract is one of the most powerful Alpha Hydroxy Acids and does a lot of good to the skin. So, let's get to the review part.
      Price: Rs 175 for 100ml (for both)

      So, you can see that the ingredients are all same except that the scrub has walnut shells for scrubbing!!!

      "In a nutshell"

      • Ingredient List is very impressive, no parabens
      • Both make the skin glow beautifully and make it look pink
      • Scrub is not the one you would reply for a hardcore job
      • Smells sickly sweet (con for sensitive noses)
      Wish List (to the brand)
      • Packaging - I really wish they could be put in dark glass jars. That makes it look classy and is good for the active papaya extract too.

      My Experience with the Scrub and Pack
      They both are muddy and brown in color and have a very sweet fragrance. I can't describe it but its very familiar. And, needless to say, I don't really like it. But, the good thing is that it doesn't get inside my nose and bother me. Otherwise, it would have been very difficult for me to use them. As you already must have checked out, the ingredients are entirely the same.
      Let's talk about scrub first. First time I used it, I hated it and liked it as well. I hated it because the walnut shells are really harsh and they really hurt my skin!!! It's grown sensitive over time. But, I liked it because it gives a rosy glow to the face after you are done and even the clay helps in the exfoliation.

      And, now comes the problem, it is a little difficult to wash off!!! The clay tends to accumulate on the skin so it needs more water to wash off. I have used it for the entire body too and is good enough for that job as well. But, another issue I have with this is that this is not a heavy duty scrub. It is good for regular exfoliation but if you are ex foliating after a very long time, this is not ideal for that.
      And, coming to face pack, I have lesser complaints. It is supposed to go on moist skin and spreads easily. I like to put on a thick layer and keep it on for 15-20 minutes when it gets a little dry. The pack states it should be wiped off when its half-dry so I get it off after that. And, my skin is always invariably glowing and pinkish and really bright which I love.

      Like the scrub, it takes a little time to wash off but on the good side, it removes my tan and also with the uneven skin tone of my forehead!!! So, as a final word, I think this is a good pack to try. Ok, this pack does tingle a bit when applied on but then it has papaya extract and that is the reason for the tingling nature. The pack doesn't burn or anything.

      The final word I would say is that they should really change the packaging. I have no issues with tub packagings but it is made of cheap plastic and has a false bottom and strictly speaking, it might be a bit expensive too (but the product works so that's fine). I would rather say that an elegant glass packaging might give a different look to the entire product. Btw, both would probably last 10-15 times each more or less which is decent enough for the price.

      Online -
      Have you tried this brand?

      PS: Product sent by the brand.

      Other reviews from the brand:
      Vedic Line Neem & Brahmi Disinfecting Face Wash

      Sunday, February 12, 2012

      Should a face pack tingle or not? {Skin Care}

      [Source: Google Images]
      Hey Everyone!!! You might have wondered about the missing posts for Saturday and Sunday. The reality is that I forgot!!! Yeah, I know I am a bad blogger :( I have so many pending posts especially reviews and I am simply ignoring them. Ok, the truth is that the photo editor and touchpad are giving me a hard time so I am hard put to put images in the posts!!! 

      So, today, I really wanted to discuss about something serious in skin care but I falling short of time so I thought I would put up a doubt which occurred to me today while using the Vedic Line Papaya face pack (review coming up tomorrow but I would definitely say it is a product to try out!!). The face pack always tingles for a minute when I apply it and it does have papaya extract. 

      I have always liked my face packs to tingle on the skin but no other product. That always gives me the feeling that the face pack is doing its work. But, do you think that it should happen? Even the best of the face packs do tingle - Biotique or Liz Earle or Vedic Line or Dabur Uveda. For me, it really means that these products have active ingredients but then, I like the feeling only for a minute at max and it shouldn't transform into a burn or itch or even a red patch or anything of the sort. 
      What about you? Do you like your face packs to tingle?

      Thursday, February 9, 2012

      How am I maintaining my weight? {Health}

      I am getting tired of the pressure of putting up a new post everyday and I want to maintain it as a routine. And, frankly, I am not getting a lot of me-time these days which help me do whatever I want. So, I decided I will write on something happening with me these days. 
      I had mentioned in one of my earlier posts in December or some time that I am not eating properly and consequently my health was suffering. Now, I have started to keep a healthy eating routine since almost two weeks and I am amazed that my weight has not yo-yo'ed this time. So, I decided that I would just discuss that with you all. 

      My weight always zooms up and down depending on the kind and amount of food I eat. Not that I am eating junk or less food, this time my routine is coupled with a healthy daily routine. So, let's check out and see if you can incorporate something out of it. Btw, I am not doing anything new. No exercise too.
      • I have to get up everyday in between 7 and 7:30. Trust me, its damn difficult and my mom wakes me up. She has this habit of repeatedly calling my name and I have an aversion to getting up hearing that, so it always works :D
      • Consequently, I take bath immediately and have my breakfast before 9. It is supposed to be a very good habit to have your breakfast at around 8:30. 
      • I like my breakfast heavy but I am not able to eat much of it so let's just say that my breakfast has oats or cornflakes w/o sugar and something going with it like bread with sesame butter I got from NaturalMantra recently or jams (that's not a breakfast I relish!!) or poha or a single paratha (which is generally not enough). I did try to take fruits regularly till now - apple, banana, oranges till now.
      • Then, I have my lunch in between 1 and 2. Either rice or roti with vegetables. Btw, currently, the oil I am using is sesame oil.
      • I come back from work at around 5:30 or 6. I like a light snack time with tea. It can be bread, biscuits, chiwda or mixture made at home or if I am feeling really hungry, sunfeast pasta or maggi.
      • Then, my dinner at 9. Pretty light. Generally, some rotis.
      • And, I sleep by 10 - 10:30 (my beauty sleep) :D
      So, that's what is my current routine is like. And, my day comprises of walking for 1km probably, not more. Oh yes, I forgot to mention, I am desperately lacking on the amount of water needed in the system everyday. I really need to increase it. And, another bad habit I am facing is the addiction to tea. I have to cut that down as well. So, yes, I do need to work on some things but my weight is pretty much constant right now.  

      And, btw, did you notice how hot Hyderabad has got in this past week. Don't know what will happen in the summers this time. 

      Lakme launches Beautiful Brides Contest

      Lakmé Salon launched its Bridal Look book – Beautiful Brides in October 2011. They are now running a photo contest for brides-to-be as part of their bridal campaign. Brides-to-be have to upload a stylish picture and get maximum votes to win!

      The gratification includes a bridal outfit worth Rs. 1 Lakh, a wedding photography package, complete bridal makeover from Lakmé Salon’s premium hair & makeup experts and Lakmé Salon gift hampers. Four other winners will also get Bridal consultancy by Lakmé Hair, Skin and Make up experts and Lakmé Gift hampers.

      As you may be aware, Lakmé Studio and Salon’s team of experts offer customized pre-bridal and bridal treatments according to each bride’s individual need. In consultation with the bride-to-be, the experts guide her to treatments that would replenish and rejuvenate her skin and hair for an added glow at the momentous occasion. Personalized looks are created for her hair & makeup, keeping in mind her wishes and desires and the nature of the many special wedding functions, such as mehendi, sangeet, wedding and reception. 

      Beautiful Brides Contest:

      Wednesday, February 8, 2012

      How to make Perfume Oil at home? (Part II) {DIY}

      So, last time I talked about a little background information necessary to know when going to make perfumes. Today, I shall be talking about how to make a perfume and how to blend the essential oils.
      Process of making a Perfume Oil

      1. Essential Oils (your favorites)
      2. Droppers for each
      3. Dark amber bottles
      4. Journal / Book 
      1. Mix the base, middle and top notes in your own desired ratio by putting some drops of each in the dark bottle. Use separate eye droppers for each EO. Very Important: Write down your recipe. This is called an Essential Oil blend. You can use it in making your lotions or massage oils or body oils too. But, don't forget to follow the guidelines to use EO's.
      2. When you are going to mix a recipe, always make sure that your EO's blend well with each other otherwise your whole blend will get spoiled.
      3. Do not shake the bottle to mix the EO's. Roll the bottle gently between your palms, instead. 
      4. Leave this blend in a dark and warm place undisturbed for 48 hours. That gives the EO's time to 'marry' each other and either enhance each other's fragrance or degrade each other's fragrance depending on the EO's you have used.  
      5. After 48 hours, take the bottle and open the cap. Let the fragrance rise from the bottle and sniff it. Write down your observations and notes on the fragrance. If you do not like it at all or if they are not blending together, you might want to add another EO which can allow the different fragrances to blend. It's a lot of fun doing it and it's just like an experiment which might pass or fail.  
      6. Do all hit and trials and always remember to keep a record of whatever you are doing including the dates too - date on which you made the blend, the date of observations and even the date on which you are happy with the blend. 
      7. Now, once you are happy with the blend you are going to make, you can make it in large quantities and store it for a month or two to let the blend 'cure'. The fragrance of the blend changes overtime so you should keep on observing the changes for a month at least. 
      8. After the curing period is over, the EO blend is added to the carrier oil (almond or jojoba oil or even coconut oil) in a ratio of 15-30% depending on the strength of the perfume you want.
      9. And, leave the oils to blend again for at least a week. And, after the period, your perfume oil is ready!!!
      So, those are the steps to make the perfume oil. Now, I am going to talk a bit about my own experience. 

      What did I do?
      • When you are going to create an EO blend, always remember to take the EO's which blend with each other. So, reading the profiles of each EO is very essential. I consulted MountainRoseHerbs (google it) database mostly. They mention everything pertaining to the EO information. 
      • Also, I want to mention beforehand that many EO's are concentrated and have their own side-effects so read the information carefully before buying them. For example, almost all the citrus EO's like Bergamot, lemongrass, etc. are phototoxic, many EO's specially spice ones like connamon, cloves, etc. are irritating to the skin, not all EO's should be used during pregnancy. 
      So, I chose 5 EO's which I bought keeping in mind everything - 
      1. Bergamot (the top note which is probably phototoxic but I am not sure entirely), 
      2. Rosemary (middle note and should not be used during pregnancy),
      3. Neroli (middle note which is floral and exotic and is safe to use anytime), 
      4. Ylang Ylang (base and middle note, should not be used during pregnancy and gives headaches too if used in excess) and
      5. Frankincense (base note, entirely safe to be used anytime)
      • After you have your stock, you should take each EO and sniff its aroma and write your own observations on each. For example, Neroli is a very strong scent and generally overpowers everything but its lovely. So, I took notes about each EO. That also gives me a general idea about how I should go on blending it depending on what kind of fragrance do I want. 
      My First Blend
      • Frankincense - 10 drops (base)
      • Neroli - 10 drops (middle)
      • Ylang Ylang - 15 drops (bridge)
      • Bergamot - 10 drops (top)
      Always add the base notes first, then the middle and then the top notes. I kept the fragrance for 24 hours (because I was impatient, don't be!!) and didn't really like it so I added 15 drops of Ylang Ylang again!! Don't make that mistake. Excess of Ylang Ylang gives headaches but strictly speaking, I love the fragrance of Ylang Ylang but I am growing fond of Neroli now. I kept the blend for 15 days around and added it to almond oil in the ratio of 1:3 (again a mistake!!) [add 45 drops of almond oil in a dark bottle and then, add 15 drops of the EO blend] and kept it for a day or two before using (need it to keep it for a week). But, I loved the blend a lot. It was dominated by Neroli though. And, what I learned from this was that keep the strong fragrances concentration less if you don't want them to dominate. 

      So, that was the story of my first attempt at perfume making. And, seriously, it's addictive, especially when you can get all kinds of EO's!!! Next week, I shall follow up with more of the blends and some other lessons I learned.