Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lucky Week!!!

[Source: Google Images]
Happy Sunday and my day off too :) So, ok, I want to share two things. This week has been unexpectedly lucky for me. Lots of good things have happened. And, I shall share some of the good things as they materialize. And, on the other hand, I got my first approval of book review too this week. There is a book reviews program on BlogAdda for those who don't know so if you like reading books and review them, you should definitely apply for it.

I have got the book and let me add it is amazing and hopefully, my review does justice to the book. The review would come within a week and I am hoping that you shall like that too :)

And, the other thing I wanted to share was something funny. As I have disclosed earlier that I haven't disclosed about my blogging acitivites yet to my family and frinds and so it happens that my mom was checking my bank balance yesterday and spotted some transactions and as a result, I had to disclose that I write content online :D So, right now, I am a freelancer for mom. Now word about the blog though!!!

Btw, another funny thing was that I have received 4 packages around for reviews and my mom is always wondering why will anyone send me full-sized products for free!!! So, on this note, see ya tomorrow with some serious skin issues :)

PS: Guess what!!! My mom tried out a face mask today. She has never used anything on her skin except Moisturex and vaseline and has never been to a parlor :D And, she tried out the Ponds Miracle Mask. The whole episode was such fun!!

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