Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How to get rid of Dandruff? {Hair Care}

This has been a continuous requests on my blog but I couldn't really post on it because I have personally never suffered from this problem so I have no idea how to deal with it. But, again this week I got a request on this topic so I thought its a high time to do a post on it. But, think of this as a disclaimer, none of the remedies have been personally tried by me and may or may not work. I definitely shall try my level best to write only about the things which will not have negative effects in the short or long term.
What is Dandruff?
Dandruff is the flaky skin which is the result of shedding of the skin cells ont he scalp. Even the skin on the scalp gets replaced. Consequently, if the skin cells get replaced too frequently or quickly, the dead skin cells tend to accumulate on the scalp and create a flaky scalp. This leads to the condition of dandruff and the most common symptom is itchy scalp. [That reminds me that I had been having a really annoying time with my scalp lately!! It used to itch badly.]

How to treat Dandruff?
Dandruff, most commonly, occurs in people with oily skin and oily hair as opposed to the popular belief that dandruff is a symptom of dry scalp. Dryness is definitely a condition which encourages dandruff but it is an acquired dryness, not the naturally dry scalp, in general. So, instead of treating dryness, it is better to clean the scalp more frequently to remove the dead skin cells from the scalp which keep on accumulating on the scalp. 
  • Wash hair Frequently. This might not sound as a remedy but instead look as a tool to worsening the condition but it is actually true. Washing hair more frequently ensures cleaner scalp and the removal of the older dead skin cells.Alternate days or once in three days should be sufficient if the problem is not severe. 
  • Use mild products. This is extremely important since you would be washing your scalp more frequently. Milder products which do not dry out the scalp and hair altogether should be preferred.
  • Hair Oils. Oils, if used in excess, can cause dry hair in the long run. And, oil is also known to have aggravated the problem of dandruff. So, either keep away from oils or use the oils which you know have been working for you since quite long.  
  • Hot Water. Stay away from hot water as it can increase the dryness of the scalp and also induces itching.Try to wash your hair in colder water or water at room temperature, whichever is preferable and comfortable for you. 
  • Nizoral. This is one medicated shampoo which I have heard works really well for every kind of scalp problem so one can definitely give this a try. Weekly usage of the product should be enough. I have personally used the product and I do like it except for its price. 
  • Underlying Skin Conditions. Psoriasis, Eczema and other skin disorders or infections can also cause dandruff so it is best to take a dermatologists advise in such cases.  
And, when it comes to hair, everything takes time and diet is very essential so eat healthily and live happily and all would be well. Pin It

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