Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cardamom for acidity {Health}

So, a few days back, I did overeating and got a stomach ache. Then, my mom prescribed me this. 
Cardamom relieves Acidity
Mom told me that cardamom should be taken when one has acidity. I was out of pudin hara tablets and had nothing else and was in a little painful state. So, this was the only thing available at hand. 

Otherwise, as far as I know, cold milk is also great for acidity. 

Other Uses of Cardamom
I am not doing a research on cardamom so I shall mention only those uses which have helped me personally. 
  • Mountain or Travel Sickness: Has always helped me to an extent when even tablets tend to fail. So, always carry some cardamom and cloves with you on your travels and tours. 
  • Stomach Upsets: Apart from acidity, regular stomach indigestion can also get cured by cardamom. 
  • Bad Breath: Ok, I never have used this but I know it helps :) 
  • Dry Cough: Keeping cardamom in the mouth and not swallowing it but letting its essence flow through the throat slowly helps with dry cough and sore throats. 
So, what do you use for acidity problems? 

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