Thursday, January 26, 2012

How do Essential Oils affect our Health? {Health}

I have been interested in Essential Oils since quite a while though I had not an idea how could I lay my hands on good quality essential oils. More about that in some other post but I wanted to discuss today about how Essential Oils affect our health. 

What are Essential Oils? 
I have already discussed a bit about Essential Oils in one of my previous posts. So, when we think about EO's, the thing which automatically comes into our minds is fragrance or the aroma and its therapeutic effects on our health.

Essential Oils have a huge amount of impact on the health of a person not only the skin and hair. So, one can use essential oils for simple problems ranging from insomnia and migraines to beating cough and cold and bronchitis and some other respiratory problems. 

How Essential Oils affect our EQ?
Whatever else EO's may be good for, the main usage of essential oils comes to help you with your emotional quotient. Some EO's are great to relive stress, anxiety, some are great for improving confidence in person, some improve the energy levels in the body and some are great for depression treatment and many more. Why is this so?

It has more to do with the sense of "smell". Human beings have five senses - smells, taste, see, feel and hear. But, only one of these senses links to the brain directly and that is the "Smell". The sense of "Smell" directly goes to the emotional center of our brain and controls our emotions. The other side effects of this "Smell" are that the brains sends signal to another part of the brain which controls the heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels and all those physiological needs of the body. So, consequently, when you "Smell", not only it affects your emotions but also the physiological needs of the body. That is one of the main uses of perfumes as far as I can garner - to uplift the senses and the spirits.

So, I hope, I did clear out certain things about why Aromatherapy works? Looking forward o your opinions!!! And, yes, I am gonna bug you on the DIY Thursdays in February with some DIY's using Essential Oils. You have been forewarned :)

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