Friday, January 20, 2012 - Shop for organic and natural products

First of all, I would definitely say that I am very glad to have such a website which promotes natural and organic products. And, these are not only beauty products but you can also find foods, snacks, spices, clothes and a special column is devoted entirely to baby products. And, they also have natural hair colors from Vegetal which has definitely intrigued me. Do check out their website here and facebook fan page here. And, I am also looking forward to more brand additions on the site.

About the Site and Services
It is easy and simple so no worries out there. But, there is one thing that the offers on the site are not displayed or advertised properly. For example, they have a Soleo Orgaics physical sunscreen (it has 22.3% Zinc Oxide which is just amazing) Buy 1 Get 1 free (I would highly recommend you to make use of this offer) or 20% off on Rustic Art products but these have been put as a part of slide show on the website which can be easily missed!!! So, that's something. 

And, another thing is they have free delivery only over Rs 1000 which I definitely feel is too high. Because, there are loads of site giving free shipping over Rs 300 - 500. And, then, they charge Rs 20 for COD which is again not really a plus point. But, they have loads of payment options right from credit cards to net banking so that relieves me but many others still prefer COD services. But, I am hoping that these charges would come down once the site grows in size and popularity.

'Organic' is a fairly new concept in India and not many people really trust it either. I couldn't get my mom to listen. She simply says this person charges you three times or more the normal cost (of a certain generic product, let's say). So, yes, organic products are definitely costly. But, since I have used them and I can safely say that they taste better too. So, my interest or excitement for this website lies more in food products than skin care.

Delivery and Packaging
I placed my order on 16th January and I received it on 20th January. Well, that's ok for me but yeah, I was very desperately wanting to get my hands on the products ASAP. So, nothing special about the packaging. It is securely wrapped and I would say it can be improved to more environment friendly. Anyways, check out what I ordered. 
everything was securely wrapped in a newspaper
in case you are thinking they used only newspaper, the Tahini was securely wrapped in a bubble wrap and then covered with a newspaper and before I forget, the thing on the base of all the products with printed on it is the shopping bag of the website which I guess is complimentary for all orders and, the tea light candle was also complimentary and I love its smell already (without lighting it) and the Soloe Oranics sunscreen sachet which I am dying to try!!!
And, this is the personalized message they sent on a hand made paper :)
You can buy Auravedic products on this site. I would definitely reach out this website because there are many things which I would love to give a try!!! Pin It

PS: I was given a discount voucher. 

Check out Auravedic product reviews:
Auravedic Reviving Body Cleanser
Auravedic Pure Brightening Skin Polish Amla Tamarind
Auravedic Facial Skin Repair Moisturizing Lotion

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